144:Chris Imagine for @JamiOsborne8

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For JamiOsborne8

The second Gordie screamed "Train!" you bolted. You fully trusted that he wasn't messing with you guys, so while the guys looked back to see the train rolling closer, you took off ahead of them.

Of course, karma is kind of a bitch. Just as you were about to jump off the tracks, your foot caught between two of the tracks, tripping you.

You knew the boys had been running close behind you, but you felt like it took a painful eternity for one of them to reach you.

"Jami, are you alright?" Chris stopped beside you, helping you up.

You winced as you tried to put weight on the foot that had been caught. "I don't think I can-"

"We don't really have time for that." With that being said, he turned around and basically threw you onto his back and hurled you both off the tracks.

Teddy came right behind you two, but Gordie and Vern were still booking it towards you two, the train not far behind.

"Run! Come on!" Teddy and Chris began screaming, but Chris never got up from your side.

When Gordie and Vern pitched themselves off the tracks, you flew up, instantly feeling the consequences of standing on your hurt foot. Luckily, Chris had jumped up too and caught you.

"Woah there," he warned, smiling. He put your arm around his shoulders and led you to the other side of the tracks.

You two and Teddy looked over at the river bank and saw Gordie and Vern rubbing their heads from the fall.

"At least we know when the next train was due," Chris joked.

You held in a laugh at the expense of your friends. You let go of Chris and hobbled back to the other side of the tracks, sitting down.

Chris followed you and knelt down beside you. "Do you have an extra shirt or a sheet or something?"

"I think so." You rummaged through your backpack and pulled out the thin sheet you brought for the night and handed it to him. "What're you-"

You stopped when he ripped a small strip of it off. He then wrapped the strip tightly around your ankle.

You inhaled sharply. "Thanks, Chris."

He smiled. "No problem. I think it'll be better soon."

You nodded. "It feels better already."

Chris helped you up, and, with your arm around his shoulders again, you all continued on your way.

Further into the trek, your ankle did feel better, but Chris still made you walk close enough to him that he could catch you if you stumbled. And maybe because he liked the excuse to have you close to him.

I hope you like it! I'm sorry I've been taking so long. I had to do my summer reading (if you're into sad crap, I'd recommend it, it's called The Last Time We Say Goodbye, talk about enotional..). Anyway, thank you for requesting and for being patient. M'kay.


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