132:Chris Imagine pt. 2 for @jaytherocker

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For jaytherocker

Since the night you and Chris shared your kiss, you two had started hanging out more. It was mostly in group situations, but it was more than you two had hung out before.

One night, you two talked the whole time. Each of your friends were all busy talking about the movie you were all about to see, but you and Chris were deep in a conversation about what was the best movie snack.

"Popcorn is a classic!" You exclaimed.

"Yeah, but the butter makes your hands all oily, and the kernels get stuck in your gums. Candies are the way to go," he argued.

You shook your head incredulously. "But it's not the movies without the popcorn. You don't walk into the theater smelling candy, do you?"

"Fair enough, but I still like candy better."

After the movie, which had been a let down for you, the rest of your friends, who apparently only like to talk about movies, were discussing how great the movie had been.

You turned to Chris. "Was there something amazing that I missed in there?" You asked. "Because I didn't think it was all that great."

He shrugged. "I don't know. I think I missed it too. It wasn't very exciting or anything."

"That's what I was thinking."

He chewed the inside of his lip. "Um, can ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Do you want to go out with me? Like on a proper date?"

You were pleasantly surprised by his question. "That sounds nice."

You two shared a smile before parting ways for the night.

A year later, you two were going steady.

"I want popcorn," you stated.

"Why? You never finish all of it," Chris responded, in more of a joking manner.

You pursed your lips. "Because I like popcorn. And if it bothers you that I don't finish it, eat some of it yourself."

"You know why I won't."

You rolled your eyes, however smiling. "Because you think candy is a better movie snack blah blah blah."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss your cheek. "It's so nice to know you pay attention to the things I say."

"Hmm, maybe you should take lessons," you teased. Just then the it was you two's turn at the snack counter.

I'm sorry this is low quality, but I liked the beginning part and it was better idea in my head than how I executed it. Thank you for requesting! I hope you still liked it. M'kay.


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