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Okay, so I need to let you all know that I'm (hopefully) leaving this Wednesday to go to my mom's. That trip entails like four planes just to get there, so I may not be updating as much later this week or even next week.

I really don't know how often I will have wifi when I'm there either bc I'm not gonna be able to use my data over there 😫😒 third world countries..Don't get me wrong, I love Pohnpei (p-OH-n-pay), where my mom lives, and all but it's just so behind and last time I was there, we didn't have wifi at the house.

Oh well. The point I was trying to get across was that updates are gonna be slow. Maybe except while I'm in Hawaii for a couple days bc I stay w my mom's cousin(s) there and they all have wifi and it's fabulous. I will try to write as much as I can tomorrow and update, but no, yeah. I will update something. M'kay.


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