162:Teddy Imagine for @idontshutupigrowup

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For -standbyme  (I just realized you changed your user but I was too lazy to change it in the title..)

You two had fallen behind the rest of the guys. Vern had taken the lead, quite content walking by himself, while Chris and Gordie walked side by side after him, and Teddy and you walked further back, seemingly disconnected from the rest of the group.

And you were quite the pair, his black jeans and olive T-shirt contrasting your own light wash jeans and light blue T-shirt.

"Teddy, do you ever think about the future?" you asked. You had been carefully watching your now dirty white Converse as you walked along, but you now looked over to your bespectacled friend.

He looked thoughtful, a look you rarely saw from him. "I mean, I guess. I know I've thought about being in the Army a million times or more."

"Right.." You bit your lip. "I was thinking maybe more of like your plans other than the military."

"Like what?" He looked at you, genuinely confused.

"And now Buddy Holly with his 'Words of Love'," the voice over the radio crackled.

The late summer air suddenly seemed warmer, though it was only your nerves from the situation. Your questions actually embarrassed you. "Like... a family? Maybe getting married. What kind of girl you want to marry?"

"Oh." He chewed the inside of his lip for a moment, making you more unsure about your choice to bring it up.

"... tell me how you feel, tell me love is real..."

He smiled a little. "Yeah, I guess."

"Oh, so..." you drew the 'o' out, hoping he'd catch your hinting. "What kind of girl?"

"...Words of love you whisper soft ant true..."

You two had stopped walking, and the smile on his face only became more prominent.

"Well.." He leaned in close to you, brushing the hairs that had fallen from your ponytail away from your face. "You, Belle." His lips touched yours in a sweet kiss, something you had only dreamed about.

"...Darling I love you..."

I'm so sorry that I took forever and that it's still so short! I hope you like it and thank you so much for requesting! M'kay.


Stand By Me Imagines and PreferencesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon