106:Teddy Imagine for @NicoleGraceMarrero

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For NicoleGraceMarrero

Your first thoughts of Castle Rock were that 1) it was small and 2) it was cold. You were used to warm weather and sunshine, not chilly air and cloudy skies.

You and your family had just moved from Puerto Rico to Castle Rock, and you were feeling homesick bad. You had been moping around, half-heartedly arranging your new room, but your parents suggested that you get out of the house a little. Explore the neighnorhood.

After practically being forced out of the house, you took a walk around the neighborhood. Every now and then, you saw other kids, some playing, others just sitting. Pretty much all of them stared at you as you walked past.

You just kept your head down and kept on walking, progressively getting faster as you went. As you continued down the sidewalk, you ran into someone, quite literally.

"Oh, sorry!" the boy apologized. He scrambled around picking up a couple envelopes and a newspaper. He must have been checking the mail.

"No se preocupe," you mumbled, shaking your head. You readjusted your glasses, which had been knocked out of place on collision.

He cocked his head to the side, looking confused. "What was that?" You noticed that one of his ears was misshapen, and there was a hearing aid in it. Despite that, you thought he was kind of cute.

"Oh, uh.. don't worry about it," you translated, feeling silly for not realizing no one here would know much Spanish. You tucked a strand of your black hair behind your ear.

He pushed up his glasses. "Oh.. You're not from around here, are you?"

You shook your head in agreement. "What gave it away? My tan skin or the Spanish?" you joked.

"Neither. I've never seen you before," he stated. He smiled a little. "Okay, it may have been a little of the Spanish."

You both laughed.

"So what are you doing walking around?" he inquired.

You shrugged. "Just trying to get used to the area, you know?"

He nodded. "Cool.. so would you, I don't know.. maybe want someone to show you around?"

You looked down, smiling shyly. ". That means yes."

A smile grew on his face as he motioned forward. "I guess we can just head on this way." He noticed the mail in his hand and gestured for you to wait. He ran into his house for a second before running back out to you. "Alright. Let's go."

I'm sorry it took me so long! I hope you like it! Thank you for requesting. M'kay.


Ps. I'm sorry if the Spanish was off or anything. I'm still learning and tbh I had to Google that phrase.

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