1 - Time for new beginnings

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Goodbyes hurt.

It hurts to know that the house I once called my home will just be a memory. A beautiful memory. Something that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

This place is a souvenir of so many bittersweet moments of my life. I spent my entire childhood in this house. Right from my first step to the day I learnt my first curse word, till the day everything was wrenched from our clutches, and we could do absolutely nothing about it.

All the Friday nights were spent here, laughing and relaxing, forgetting our problems for a while and just being happy for one night. It was a tradition in my family. Every Friday night, I had to cook dinner and dad was incharge of dessert. Mom just used to supervise and point out our mistakes. We were a happy family.

All that changed when my mom died. No more Friday nights, no more family time because now, our family was incomplete. It made me realize that how a small change can make a big difference. Fridays didn't seem like Fridays anymore. They turned into torturous nights, bringing pain and sorrow with them.

My parents were high school sweethearts, if that's what you want to call them. Mom and dad had me when they were 18. My parents got married when I was a year old. The love they had for each other could be seen in their eyes - they had the kind of love you read about in books. They were happy, almost perfect for each other. So, when mom died, dad was devastated.

He would not even come out of his room. He used to sit in his room all day, staring at mom's pictures, reminiscing about the days they spent together. There were a few days here and there when he would come out of this phase and talk to me. About mom. About us. This back and forth continued for months until he realized that moping around was only hurting him and everyone around him. So, his sister, Aunt Veronica, booked him an appointment to Dr. Andrews, a renowned therapist.

Those therapy sessions helped him a lot. He started getting better and more healthy with each passing day. The sadness, the pain and the misery didn't vanish, but the progress was noticeable. Eventually, we started spending quality time together. We would talk to each other about how our day went by, we would cook for each other, binge watch our favourite shows. It was like Friday nights all over again. But now, without mom.

Even though the therapy sessions helped to a huge extent, the sadness still lingered around us. In abundance. It was like a shield over us, keeping us from moving on. It was difficult to face the truth, letting the harsh reality sink in. So, dad decided that we needed a fresh start.

My dad is a corporate lawyer and his firm just promoted him, so he got transferred to the outskirts of New York City. He thought of this as a sign and took the opportunity immediately.

So now, here we are packing up all of our stuff in boxes so that we can move out.

"Dad?" I call out.

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