16 - You are the best

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"So, what's the plan?"

I glance towards Ridge, who's sitting in the passenger seat of my car, an eyebrow arched in curiosity, his eyes reflecting the sunlight coming through the window making those brown eyes shine bright, almost as if they are hazel. Casually, he slips his hand into his hair, combing them with his fingers which makes him look ten times more attractive.

"Lydia, eyes on the road!" Ridge's desperate attempt at snapping me out of my thoughts works as he frantically waves his hands in front of my face.

My eyes snap to the front as I abruptly stop the car, taking a left on the side of the road as I see a dog crossing the road in a hurry, probably scared of the fact that it could've died if I hadn't pulled the breaks in time. I stop the car before it hits the tree on the side of the road and I jolt out of my seat on the impact but stay intact due to the seat-belt around me. My hands go straight to my face, massaging my forehead as I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I realize what just happened, or what was about to happen. "Shit, I could've killed us and the dog."

Ridge removes his seat-belt and turns towards me in a swift motion, taking hold of my face in his hands. His fingers rub against my cheekbones, which have a calming effect on me. "But you didn't, okay? We are fine, the dog's fine. You don't have to worry about it now."

"But we could've died, Ridge! Died! Oh god, I would've killed you. What would-" Before I can freak out more, Ridge shakes my head and makes me look at him, right in those sparkling brown eyes.

"We didn't die, Lydia. The dog didn't die. Everyone's safe. Okay, so stop crying please." He whispers, his finger wiping a stray tear that had somehow made it's way down my cheeks. "I'm here, aren't I? I won't let anything happen to anyone."

I take a deep breath and put my hand on top of his, which is currently holding my face and bring it to my lips and place a feather light kiss on it. I don't know why I did that! I guess I just wanted to make sure that everything's fine. His eyes flicker at my lips when I do so but he doesn't do anything. He removes my seat-belt and pulls me a little close to him so that our foreheads are touching. I relish in the feel of his breath hitting my face and close my eyes. He cranes his neck up and places a soft kiss on my head, then on my nose. "Come on, I'll drive."

I open my eyes slowly and nod, because I don't think I can drive today after this. He lets go of my face and opens the passenger door and gets out of the car. I, however, stay rooted on my seat, my eyes stuck on the tree we could've crashed into if I hadn't stopped the car right on time. A knock on my window catches my attention. I look up to see Ridge looking at me with a concerned expression, waiting for me to open the door.

I oblige silently and open the door and step out and move across the car and sit in the passenger seat. Ridge sits behind the wheel and looks at me. "Are you fine? Do you want to go back? We can go on this date some other time, you know."

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