18 - You're cool, Faye

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"I have a dare for you, Emilia."

Our group and I are currently sitting in the food court, waiting for our food to be served. And since Bruce likes to cause trouble wherever he goes, he decided that we should play truth and dare. Typical Bruce.

"For me?" Em perks up at his statement, raising an eyebrow at him. She sits up straight in her chair, bending a little forward to pay more attention to what Bruce is about to make her do. "I'm game. What do I have to do?"

I prop my elbows on the table, resting my chin on the back of my interlocked hands, interested in what's about to happen.

"Oh god, don't start again." Erica groans, rolling her eyes. "You have a habit of doing that every time we are here."

"I know right. And then he runs away when things get rough." Trish scoffs, flipping her hair dramatically. "Such a scaredy cat."

"Fuck off, Trisha." Bruce retorts, flicking his fingers at her in a flee away motion. "Stop whining and complaining." He then focuses his attention on Em who's waiting for him to speak up about the aforementioned dare. "So Emilia, you have to kiss the waitress that serves us our food."

Ashton whistles, patting Bruce on the back like he's a proud father. "Good job, that would be a sight to watch."

"Not the first time she has done that so, let's see how this one goes." Tanner rubs his hands together, grinning.

"That's actually a very nice thing to do you know. The girl who took our order has been staring at you from the past five minutes." Kiara states, her eyes shining with mirth. "And, she's looking at you right now." Her eyes travel to my behind, and on accordance, we all follow her line of vision to see the girl, probably our age, looking at us, now wide eyes, crimson colour coating her cheeks. She gives us a shy look before, taking her eyes off our table and scurrying away towards the kitchen, disappearing through the doors.

"She is cute." Em comments, smirking forming on her lips. "This should be fun."

"Yeah, she is." I agree, grinning.

"Sweetheart, you look really excited. Wanna do the dare yourself?" Ridge whispers in my ear, scooting his chair close to mine, brushing my ear with his lips softly.

I crane my neck to look at him, making sure the eye contact remains intact. "Why would I think about kissing her when I have you?"

He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, teasing it. And me. His tongue sweeps out to moisten his lips before he speaks up. "You're making this really really difficult for me."


"Yeah, it's very difficult for me too, you know." Neil butts in before Ridge can utter another word. "I heard everything and now I feel like throwing up. Actually, you know, I just threw up in my mouth." He scrunches his nose up, lips pressing in a frown.

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