14 - 2 - Grand sleepover

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"I'll start!"

Em volunteers, holding her hand up to let everyone know. Everyone murmurs in agreement and then she grins. "Never have I ever pissed in a pool."

Well, that's great. I look around to see that everyone's looking around and then everyone's attention focuses on a single person - Eric. He grins sheepishly, his cheeks tinting red in embarrassment. He removes a sock and then mutters, "Stop looking at me with those judgmental eyes, you fools. I was a kid when it happened okay!"

Everyone laughs at him. Kiara pinches his cheeks, kissing his cheek affectionately. "Aww, don't be so embarrassed baby. You have a companion, see." She says, pointing her finger towards Neil, who is caught in the middle of removing his beanie. He looks at us sheepishly, caught red handed. Scowling at Kiara, he mutters, "It was all going well, but of course you had to tell everyone."

"And let Eric suffer alone? Hell no!" Kiara exclaims, shaking her fingers in a no sign.

He rolls his eyes in annoyance. "I don't like you right now."

"It's okay." She chuckles, shrugging her shoulder.

"Okay folks, my turn." Bruce interrupts, snapping our attention to him. Everyone looks at him, waiting. "Never have I ever gotten arrested."

My eyes find Em and Tanner who are both looking at me. And together, we burst out laughing, clearly remembering the crazy day we got arrested. Oh boy, what a day it was!

I remove my socks, while Em and Tanner do the same. Everyone looks at us with curiosity.

"Hello guys, explanations please." Trish says, looking at us in confusion.

Em gestures me to tell them with her eyes so I raise an eyebrow at Tanner, silently asking if it's fine that I tell them about that day. Because he was the one who got us involved in the first place. He nods at me, grinning. Okay. "It was at a party Tanner had thrown at his place. We were shit faced that day, but Em had been the designated driver so she was sober. We drank too much but we wanted to do something more fun so we decided to drive to our school, drunk. And when we reached the school, Tanner insisted that we decorate the school walls because according to him, plain white is boring, so after a few please, we graffitied one side of the school building using spray paints in Tan's car. But alas, the school's janitor caught us." I chuckle, remembering the look of horror on his face, then continue, "we were so scared, god. I thought I was going to get arrested and get locked up forever but then we ran away from there, leaving the spray bottles and his car but unfortunately the police caught up to us. We were in the lock up for a few hours before my dad took care of it and we were released with only community service which included cleaning of the walls we damaged." I finish.

"Damn." Bruce wolf whistles, looking at us in awe. "You guys are my inspiration. Even I haven't done something this daring."

Em chuckles. "Don't worry, we are very influential. You'll learn soon enough."

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