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trouvaille (n.)

something lovely discovered by chance


Chance encounters. Games of survival. Deadly addictions.


"These are so pretty," I gush, my eyes taking in the beauty in front of me.

"These are assault rifles baby, not the newest collection of Louis Vuitton heels," Octavian teases, though there's a hint of pride and mirth in his deep, alluring voice.

I turn around to give him a smirk, walking towards him in slow, determined steps, my heels tapping against the hardwood floor, the sound echoing through the quiet room, until I'm right in front of him. Close, but not too close. Two can play this game. "Well, these things excite me. Just as much as you do."

His eyes flash with something I cannot decipher before he sweeps me in his arms, his face bending down, levelling with my ear, his nose trailing down my neck, leaving goosebumps in it's wake. "You little minx, I swear you're going to be the death of me one day."


Absolute chaos, sparks amidst denial, deep rooted hatred for one another - that's what described the relationsh- oh sorry, can't use that word, situation between Joshua Thomas and Sadie Rhodes

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Absolute chaos, sparks amidst denial, deep rooted hatred for one another - that's what described the relationsh- oh sorry, can't use that word, situation between Joshua Thomas and Sadie Rhodes.

They've been enemies for as long as they, and everyone around them can remember. One slip up from Joshua's side back in 4th grade put him on Sadie's hit list. Right at the top.

According to Sadie, he is the living, physical embodiment of headaches. As for Joshua, well, he'd rather stick his head in a bowl full of earthworms rather than be in close proximity of the she-devil. Or the little devil, as he likes to call her.

Amongst pranks being pulled, undesired sleepovers, a dash of physical attraction and buttload of sexual tension, they are bound to crash and burn.

And as they say, there's a thin line between love and hate.


Hope you check these out!

Love <3

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