42 - Let's get ready to roll

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I've never been more nervous in my life.

I was about to do something I have never done before. I was finally about to ride my precious motorbike. Sure, I have been on many bikes before, but riding your own bike, after a month of lessons, secret lessons that is, but now I'll finally be able to hit the roads. And that feeling alone causes anxiety and excitement, both running through my veins.

The sound of someone knocking on the door breaks me out of my trance. I get up from my bed ans strut towards the door, throwing it open. I'm surprised to see Cherry standing there, with her usual warm smile on her face.

These past few days, she's warmed up to all of us, because she's usually here in the evening, either chatting with Martha or drinking wine with Aunt Veronica. Even Tanner and Em have started to spend time with her.

"Hey Lydia, mind if I come in?" she asks, giving me a soft smile.

I step aside to give her way, "Of course."

She nods and steps inside. I follow her, shutting the door behind me. I see her standing near the foot of the bed, looking a little out of place and awkward. I walk towards the couch and gesture her to take a seat as well. She smiles and sits down next to me, "I wanted to talk to you about something."

I nod, giving her an encouraging smile, "I'm listening."

She takes a deep breath, giving me a grateful smile, "You know that you and your dad, uh we are seeing each other. We are taking things slow but I've had this feeling that's been nagging me for some time now. I wanted to know how you feel about us. Are you comfortable with me dating your dad?"

I sigh loudly, placing my hand on her fidgeting ones. "You know, I haven't seen my dad this relaxed in a while now. And it's because of your presence. You make my dad happy. Also, about how I feel? I'm happy to see him giving himself another chance. So, as long as you guys are happy, I'm content."

"Thank you, I-" she pauses, her eyes twinkling with merry, her hands squeezing mine, "I just want you to know that I'm not here to replace your mother, or make you feel like I'm intruding or anything. Your dad, he's pretty special to me, and so are you. I'm here as your friend."

Tears burn my eyes, but this time they are happy ones. My dad's lucky to have met such an angel. "I've never felt that. And, maybe if you and my dad get married, I might start calling you mommy."

She laughs along with me, wrapping her arms around me in her embrace. "Thank you. I was so scared, but now I can finally breathe."

We pull away, smiling at each other. She gets up from he place, giving me another thankful look,"I should go now. Your dad's been waiting downstairs for a while now. We are going out."

I stand up with her, nodding, "I know how impatient he is, so enjoy."

She gives me another smile, and then walks out of my room. After she's gone, I decide to get ready and head to my closet to pick an outfit. Deciding on a red leather jacket, black jeans and a pair of black ankle boots, I put on minimal make up.  Once I'm satisfied with my look, I pick my phone to see the time.

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