21 - And I'm failing

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"Hey, do you know what's all this commotion about?"

Ridge gives me a sideways glance, shrugging his shoulders. "Beats me. We all just got here."

"Oh, right." I nod slightly. As soon as Tanner, Em and I entered the school building and reached our usual meeting spot with the group, we were all summoned in the auditorium by the announcement Mr. Turnings made over the speakers. He did not reveal anything, so everyone is equally confused about this sudden gathering.

We all stand in between the crowd when my eyes land on Erica who's standing between Em and Ashton, speaking something, throwing her hands in the air as if she's explaining something very interesting and important. I call for her and wait till she notices my presence.

"Yeah?" She gives me a small smile, craning her neck to look at me.

"You are the Student Body President so you must know about this, right?"I ask her, swinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Unfortunately, I know nothing about this assembly or whatever announcement this is." She shakes her head, lips curling up in a frown then puts her attention back towards Em and Ashton, resuming their conversation.

Ridge throws his arms around my shoulder, bringing me close to him. "Turnings is here." He gestures with his face, making me look in the front.

Mr. Turnings enters the room, walking with authoritative steps. The room grows silent when he climbs up the stage and takes his position behind the podium, lightly tapping the mic twice.

He gives us a polite smile. "Good Morning students. I hope you had an amazing one. So, today we are all gathered here for an important announcement."

"I got an anonymous letter the other day, stating that the students of the Academy wanted to go on trip before their senior year ends. We still don't know who the person is but we'll get to the bottom of it soon. But whoever the person is, has not done anything wrong so they can come to me in my office whenever they want to confess. Im not going to give you detention, I promise." Laughter rumbles through the room at that. "Yeah, so on that thought, to make your senior year more memorable, the school authorities have decided to organize a trip for you."

Murmurs start circulating around the room, making the room grow noisy.

"You all have three options : Dubai, Bali or Hong Kong. Everyone has to mention their preferred destination and write it on the form and submit it in the multipurpose room by the end of the day. The forms are in the multipurpose room itself. The most chosen destination will be your trip destination. So, choose wisely. After the decisions are made, further planning will be done. You guys are dismissed for now. Go back to your respective classes and study."

I squeal in delight, jumping in excitement, turning towards Ridge. "We'll be going on a trip. A trip. How awesome is that?!"

He chuckles at my enthusiasm, wrapping his arms around my middle. "Very awesome. I can already see that."

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