13 -I spoke too soon

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Ugh, I hate mornings!

Dad is leaving today for his trip so he decided to wake me up early and help him pack because I'm his favourite daughter, his words, not mine. Well, I'm his only daughter so that's a given. Sighing, I get up from my bed and drag myself to my bathroom for a quick shower. After I'm done with my morning business, decide to wear a hoodie and some black leggings and put my hair in a messy bun. This hoodie belongs to my dad, so it smells like him and is warm too. 

I make my way downstairs to see dad in the kitchen, making a cup of coffee for himself. "One for me too."

He lifts his head up when he hears my voice and gives me a big smile. "Hey honey, good morning. Same as always? No milk, no sugar?"

"You know it." I grin, jumping on the counter by the stove and let my legs dangle in the air.

My dad snaps his head towards me, his hands working with the coffee machine, but his eyes are on me. He looks at me with an uncertain expression, then starts speaking. "So.."

"What did you do now dad?"

He rolls his eyes at my question but continues anyway. "I know you say you are fine with being alone for a week, but I know you will not be so I have a surprise for you."

"Dad, seriously! I have Whis, I don't need a babysitter." I roll my eyes at him. The aroma of the coffee fills the kitchen making me close my eyes in pure bliss. I take a deep breath and smile in satisfaction.

"It's not a babysitter. It's something better than that." He mutters, pouring our coffee in the mugs and hands one to me. I cup the mug in my hands, letting it's warmth soak my hand.

"Okay, what is it? And when will I get it?" I ask, my eyes twinkling with excitement. Taking a sip from my coffee, I close my eyes savoring the bitter taste.

"Actually, it's gonna be here in-" He stops to take a look at his wristwatch, then looks back at me and finishes, "-a few seconds."

Before I can reply, the doorbell rings. I jump off the counter in hurry and run outside and throw open the door. 


"Seriously, that's how you greet your best friends?" Emilia Jenner, my best friend comments, her hands on her tiny hips, her lips turning up in the biggest grin. Her blue-grey eyes twinkle in excitement, her brunette hair pulled up in a ponytail which is, new.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! It's you." I shriek in excitement, wrapping my arms around her in a tight grip. She chuckles loudly, but hugs me back with equal fervour, squeezing me tight in her tiny little arms. I squeal in delight, happy to see her here. "I missed you so much!" 

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