20 - If I Die

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A loud sound echoed through my ears. It jerked me from my deep slumber. I was facing the sky, it seemed to just be lighting up.

Flashes of last nights events presented themselves before me. I remember constantly running. I remember the Griever. But the memories were jumbled up. I assumed it was because of the trauma.

I rolled my head over to see the doors slowly dragging open. I was so battered from last night, it hurt everything to move.

When the doors opened enough I could see boys gathered at them. Alby, Newt, and Minho stood at the front of the group.

Everyone's eyes widened with surprise to see my body laying there. They probably expected to see a lonely collar.

Minho, without hesitation, ran forward while no one tried stopped him. He fell on to his knees and looked over me.

"You're safe now. I'm not going to let you get hurt again," he said while lifting me into his arms. I winced in pain as he moved me. "You're tuff. I know you can stick it out."

Everything felt so surreal. Like I wasn't supposed to be here. Like it was just a dream that I was alive.

I gazed at Minho's face as he ran into the Glade. He looked like he didn't sleep all night. But by the way he was moving, he seemed to have all the energy in the world.

Minho took me to the Med-jacks. I fought tooth and nail to stay awake. I felt blood trickling off my body and soaking into my tattered clothes.

When I was laid down Clint and Jeff hovered over me. "We're going to have to stitch you up," Clint informed me. Minho took my hand in his, it made the pain seem a little more bearable.

Jeff and Clint kept on looking at me, doing nothing. "What are you doing?!" I questioned in frustration.

"We have to take off your shirt," Jeff said sheepishly.

"Then do it!" I yelled. I flinched as pain shot through me. "Take off my shirt now, I'm going to pass out soon if you don't hurry the fuck up!"

Clint reached forward but brought his hands back to his sides. "I can't do it," he said.

Newt suddenly rushed in. "Someone bloody do something, quickly."

I started to get dizzy but I blinked it away. Squeezing Minho's hand I spoke again, "They won't stitch me up because they can't take off my shirt."

"Minho, you can do it right?" Newt asked.

Minho looked at me and I nodded slightly. "Yeah, I can."

When he grabbed the bottom of my shirt he began to pull it up. I cried in pain as my shirt touched my wounds.

"What the shuck did I do?!" Minho panicked.

I grabbed his arm reassuringly. "Nothing. You have to rip my shirt open. Okay, Minho?"


He grabbed the blood soaked fabric and tore it in half with little effort. A large gash revealed itself with an unimaginable amount of blood spilling out.

Clint rushed forward, a needle in his hand. "This is going to hurt, a lot," he told me.

"Just do it!" I shouted.

I grabbed Minho's hand again before the needle pierced my skin. I clenched my teeth trying to hold it my screams.

When the needle went into my stomach for the fourth time I couldn't hold it in any more. First it was a small scream but they got louder each time. If you didn't know what was going on, you would probably think he was killing me, not saving me.

I gripped onto Minho's hand as hard as I could. I was probably crushing it, but he still stood there. Just his presence pushed me through the immense amount of searing pain.

"How is she doing?" Alby asked as he entered the room. I let out a very loud scream in response.

Suddenly everyone's voices cluttered together. They became a buzz of noise.

"I think I'm going to pass out!" I said. I couldn't understand any of the responses.

Maybe I wasn't going to pass out, maybe I was actually dying. I was becoming stiff, my vision was a mess. There was so much blood, how could I not be dying?

"If something happens," I struggled to say. "If I die. I'm sorry, for everything."

"You're not going to die!" I heard Minho say through the ringing in my ears.

With every ounce of strength left in my body, I reached up and ran my hand along the side of Minho's perfect face.

My arm went limp, along with the rest of my body.

Remember Me || The Maze Runner  || MinhoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang