27 - Burn the Witch

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A cold breeze suddenly blew on my skin making goose bumps appear. My initial thought was that Minho had opened the window in our room while I slept, but when I opened my eyes I could see dirt below my feet.

My head pounded and stung, it felt like someone had hit me with something hard. I also felt like I couldn't move.

When I fully came to my senses I saw why I couldn't move, I was tied to a tree by ropes. I tried to pull myself free but my restraints rubbed against by skin causing it to burn.

How in the hell did I get here? The only explanation I could comprehend was that the person who wanted me dead did this. But what was the point? If it was to scare me, they already accomplished that.

Just as I was going to call out for help I heard a small scraping sound. Then the smell of something burning. I stretched my head as far right as I could to see fire spreading up the tree that I was tied to.

My eyes widened in terror as I desperately tried to break away from my impending death. "Help me!" I screamed. "Help me, please!"

The flames licked my legs, begging to burn them. If I couldn't get loose, or even get my arms free from my sides, I would surely burn to death.

"Someone! Help me!" I pleaded. "Minho! Newt! Please!"

The orange flames were spreading quicker with every second. My pant leg caught on fire and I wriggled my leg trying to put it out. When I couldn't I was forced to suffer through the burning.

I screamed as the the fire got to my arms. It hurt to badly that I began to cry.

Finally Winston ran up to me with a look of distress on his face. "Hold on for just a second I'm going to get you free," he informed me.

"Just go!" I shouted.

Soon the Glade was in a frenzy. They were trying to find the machetes and other sharp tools, but they were all missing. All of the buckets were missing also. I was practically dead where I stood at this point.

Minho sprinted to me and said,"You're going to be fine. Everyone is looking for something to cut you free."

The fire crackled in my ears making it impossible for me to believe that I was going to get out of this alive. The sea of flames seemed to scorch every part of my skin. The heat was so intense that it took over my mind and I didn't respond to Minho.

He ran off quicker then I've ever seen him go before. I prayed that he would set me free in time. But I knew if I did survive the person would attempt to kill me again.

Most of the trees were most likely set ablaze by now. Who would risk their own safety to get back at me?

Minho ran back after what seemed like years. In his hand was a machete and he immediately started to swing at the ropes.

"Where did you find that?!" Newt yelled over the inferno.

"Leo found them!" Minho responded, not looking up. He continued to swing and swing until only five ropes remained.

I didn't even notice Newt left until he returned with Alby. They too began to cut the ropes.

When the ropes restricted me no more, I fell into Minho's arms. I was to weak to move, let alone stand. My skin sizzled and looked blistered.

I must have passed out for moment because the next thing I knew I was in the showers. Freezing cold water washed over me. It lessened the burning that was present throughout my whole body.

Images of the fire danced in my vision. They looked like demons from hell, grotesque, monstrous. I screamed from the pain and utter horror. I was surely in hell on earth if there was such a place.


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