03 - Anne

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Two updates in a day because I'm nice! (Not lol)


It was the next day and all I did was stay in this room alone. Different people brought me food, mostly Newt. He was helping me get through this. Sometimes I would randomly start crying for no reason at all, it was confusing. But Newt would tell me everything was going to be fine and that everyone went through this.

A knock sounded at the door before someone entered. The boy named Alby walked in and stood in front of me, crossing his arms.

"Are you absolutely sure you don't remember anything? Not even your name?" he asked.

I shook my head no, still not speaking.

"We've had a Gathering and decided that we better put you to work. We need order, Greenie. Without it we're nothin'. Newt will show you around the Glade today and tomorrow you'll start working," Alby told me. He didn't say another word before he left, leaving the door open.

He was certainly in command around here. Everyone seemed to be afraid of him somehow. Wonder why.

I stood up to look out the window at the boys. I could see them working in the gardens and others in the pins with the animals. It felt weird to think I had to work with them. I had no idea what would happen considering I was the only girl here. Newt said they'd been here a long time so they probably had, urges.

"Greenie!" somebody shouted. I turned around quickly, finding Newt behind me. "I was calling for you for two buggin' minutes." I gave him an apologetic look. "Time for the tour."

Newt and I walked down stairs, boys stared at me as I passed by. When I emerged into the Glade I got multiple cat calls. I rolled my eyes and followed Newt. He took me to the metal box from where I came from.

"This is the box. We get supplies, like clothes and food every week. Every month we get a new Greenie. We don't exactly know who sends us up that bloody thing, but we call them the Creators," he explained.

Newt pointed over to the north east corner. "That's the gardens, where the Track-Hoes work." Then he motioned towards the south east. "Over there is the Bloodhouse. Unless you like blood you don't want to get a job as a Slicer. Bloody nasty. Those trees over there is where the Deadheads are. That's where we bury the dead."

A lump formed in my throat. There were dead people? Everyone here was 18 tops. What was so dangerous that they died?!

"That building over there is called the Map Room," Newt said, pointing to a concrete building with an iron looking door. "The Runners go in there and map out their route they take in the maze to find a way out."

Newt grabbed my wrist and led me over to the opening in the wall. His hands felt rough from being worked. But he held onto my wrist lightly, being careful not to hurt me.

One thing I didn't notice before was Newt had a limp. It looked like, from the way he was walking, that something had happened recently.

"Out there is the maze. Runners go in everyday and look for a way to get out of this prison," he told me. Newt seemed to go into a daze as looked into the long corridor. He shook his head and looked at me, his brown eyes peering into mine. "Any questions, Greanbean?"

I didn't answer as I looked to the maze. I had so many questions but I didn't feel right asking them. I felt somehow, guilty.

A strange wind seemed to come in from the maze and blew on me. It felt soothing, refreshing. Suddenly something clicked in my mind.

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