21 - Life and Death

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Death is inevitable.

Some of us go in our sleep. Some of us go because of a disease. Others go because of a tragic accident.

We are never ready to die. Everyone has a thirst for life, no matter how deep down it is. It's there.

I'm not ready to die.

I can feel deaths claws coiling around my neck, strangling me. Life is being forced from my body. It tries to push it's way back in, but death covers me like a blanket.

I feel like I'm a hourglass with the final grains of sand falling down, ever so slowly. Time. Life and death is time. Every single second that passes in life, is one more second closer to death.

People die every second. But people are born every second too. It's a scale. Both sides have to be balanced or there would be chaos. Too much life, over population. Too much death, we're on the verge of extinction.

If I were to die, maybe someone would come into the world to take my place. Would my life even be missed?

Would my family miss me? If I even had one. Would my friends miss me? If they even forgive me.

Part of me wants to stay, part of me wants to go. Their voices battle over control of my mind.

But one voice rose above the rest. It got louder and louder until the other voice was nonexistent.

Now everything made sense to me. I felt free. I knew what I had to do.

I've made my decision.


I'm currently "sick" at home so I don't have to goto school.
I'm listening to Fall Out Boy so it's fine.

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