07 - Minho

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Nothing has been the same between Newt and I. He's more open with me and I'm more open with him. We've been closer than ever. Now that I work in the gardens, I rarely leave Newt's side.

We have agreed to never talk about that night. Newt felt like he should be stronger, more determined. But I know he's not right now. He's had several break downs, not as big as the one that night. I feel like I'm helping him through it, one step at a time.

"You two are done for the day," Zart informed Newt and I. Newt smiled at me and we set our hoes against a tree.

Together, we strode over to a bench that sat in the cool shade of a tree. The wind slightly blew through the green leaves. It was so peaceful and tranquil.

"How long have you been here exactly?" Newt asked.

I pondered for a second, counting the days in my head. "About two weeks, maybe longer."

"Seems about right," he said. "Do you ever wonder if you have a family out there. Just waiting for you."

I was taken back by the sudden question, I've never thought about that. "I don't know, maybe. If we did, why would they send us here?"

"Maybe we're all bloody orphans."

I shrugged. Many questions were whirring in my head but I felt as if they would never be answered. And that my life would consist of a constant cycle of not knowing. I wouldn't pry at those questions until it was needed.

"I'm going to check on Minho. Don't miss me too much," I teased. Newt rolled his eyes before he began to have a conversation with Winston.

I laughed to myself and entered the Homestead. It smelt weirdly of dirt and earth, or maybe that was just me. I really needed a shower but I was too shy to take one. With all these boys, who knows who would "accidentally" stumble in.

When I entered Minho's room it was deathly silent. I couldn't even hear his breathing that was normally loud and raspy. My brain thought of the worst and I rushed towards him.

His chest wasn't moving, so I put my ear up to his mouth to see if I could hear anything. Nothing. Panic set in as my hands began to shake violently.

"Minho! Minho!" I cried as I shook him. Tears flowed down my face unwillingly. "I should've know Gally was right! I'm so stupid to believe you would live."

His body was so still, so lifeless looking. I've never seen him so stiff, like a statue.

Instantaneously Minho sat up with a humungous gulp of air. His eyes seemed to bulge out of his skull. He laid back onto the bed, now taking in short, small breaths.

"Oh my god! Minho!" I shrieked. I gripped his rough hand tightly in mine.

When he calmed his hand slid out of mine and rubbed his eyes. His breathing was back to normal, like everything else seemed to be. My heart was still racing from all the excitement.

"What happened to you?" I questioned Minho.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "What are you doing here?" he asked in a raspy voice, not answering my question.

"I always visit you. I know that sounds weird, but I do," I told him shyly as my cheeks heated up. He smiled weakly.

"I see you were holding my hand too."

"I thought you were dying!"

"You don't have to lie, I know I'm irresistible," he said with a smug grin. I rolled my eyes dramatically so he would notice. "Mind helping me?" he asked while trying to sit up. I adjusted the pillow so it supported him nicely.

We sat in a silence that was neither comfortable nor awkward. It was simply silence. Minho stared at the door while I stared at him. He had a handsome face, it was tuff and soft at the same time. (Not to mention he didn't have a shirt on.)Everything about this boy seemed so complex.

"Should I go get the Med-Jacks?" I wondered out loud. Minho broke out of his daze and shook his head.

"No, those shanks would just poke at me. It's better sitting here with you."

I turned away from him as a grin spread across my face. He wanted to be with me? I barley even knew him because of this accident. Maybe he doesn't want to be rude.

"What happened out there, in the maze?" I blurted out. It felt like those words weren't mine.

"A Griever. Out in the shuckin' daylight. I rounded a corner and it was waiting for me there," Minho explained with a hard expression. "I tried to run away but it was too quick, even for me. It grabbed onto my leg and sliced it open. Even with blood draining from my leg, I managed to get away."

"Before I knew what was happening it grabbed me from behind. The Griever whipped me around like a shucking rag doll. Hit my head on the wall," he told me as he pointed to his bandaged skull. "It took one of it's arms and cut my chest and stomach. That hurt like a bitch. But, something weird happened, it dropped me and left. It didn't sting me or nothin'. I don't even remember how I got back to the Glade. All I do remember is falling on my face multiple times and you running up to me," finished Minho.

I didn't know how to respond. That must have been such a traumatic experience. I did not want to say the wrong thing. So I said the first thing that popped into my head.

"That must have sucked." Why the hell would you say that?! Of course it sucked, he almost got killed!

Minho laughed at my face as it became ghostly white with the embarrassment. "Good that," he smiled.

"Hey, Anne?"

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I think I'm going to like you."

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