09 - The Gun and The Beetle

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The alarm signaling that the supplies were coming rang through my ears. Everyone dropped what they were doing and gathered at the box. After a few short minutes it opened.

Alby and Newt were the only ones aloud to gather the supplies unless someone else was instructed to. So they jumped inside and began to throw things up.

"Greenie!" Alby called. He threw up a duffle bag that had a piece of paper with my name pinned on it. I got one of these almost every week. Inside there was usually just clothes and toiletries.

I broke free from the group and walked to Newt and I's room. Sitting on the small bed, I opened the bag. It had the usual items, but I noticed something underneath the clothes. There was another piece of paper.

I unfolded it before reading every word twice. The message made no sense to me. It read, "Use your shot wisely, you only have one. WICKED IS GOOD."

I've seen the word WICKED before. All around the Glade. They must be the creators, but how are they remotely good? They torture us, torment us, and they say they're good?!

I put my hand back into the bag to search for clues about the message. My fingers hit something cold with a metal feeling. I gripped it tightly before pulling the object out.


The memory washed over my mind like a gigantic wave. It all made sense. There was one bullet in this small, black gun. They wanted me to use it. But on what? On a Glader? A Griever?

Why only one bullet? Why give me the gun in the first place?

What kind of games are they playing with me?

My breathing became rapid at an unhealthy rate. I hid the gun and note under the mattress of the bed, hoping it would remain hidden. My brain told me to not tell anyone, not Newt, nor Minho.

I bit my lip while contemplating what to do next. Just as I was coming to a decision I saw a red light come through the window. I whipped around as soon as it skittered away. My curiosity over took me and I bolted out the room.

When I got outside where I saw the light, it was no where to be seen. I jogged to the back of the Homestead to see if it went there. I was right. It was climbing up the walls of the building, looking into windows.

It appeared to be some kind of bug made of metal. The thing was at least ten inches long and three inches in diameter. The bug had, from what I could make out as it moved, twelve legs. It's eyes were the red light that I had seen, it was very bright, even in the daylight.

I had to catch this thing.

"Hey!" I called, trying to gain it's attention. The bug spun around and began to study me. I ran back around the corner, hoping it would follow.

The legs tapped the wood of the house multiple times. I leaned against the wall, waiting for the right moment. When I saw it's head I leaped forward and my hand gripped it tightly until my knuckles turned white.

The metal body wiggled in my hand as it struggled. I had to use both hands to keep it still. Written across the back was WICKED; it looked as if it was written in blood.

"What the hell?" I whispered.

Suddenly the bug started to freak out. It tried to push itself free. It shook violently until I only had one hand around it.

Thinking fast, I banged it against the Homestead repeatedly. The red light flickered off and I sighed in relief.

"What you doing here, Greenie?"

I turned around and hid the thing behind my back. Gally stood in front of me with concerned eyes.

"Nothing. Just walking around," I lied.

"What's behind your back then?"

"It's, uh, nothing. I'm just standing this way, that's all." I smiled, trying to act casual which was not working for me at all.

"Don't push me, Greanbean. I will tell Alby," he threatened.

"Fine. You win," I huffed. I brought the metal bug into view. Gally's eyes widened.

"How did you catch that?"

"I just did alright. What is it?"

"It's a Beetle Blade. The creators spy on us with them. No one has ever caught one. I think you should give that to me, now. Before anything happens."

"No. I caught it, I keep it."

"Don't be stupid, Greenie. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."

"What ever I get into is my problem. So just mind your own business."

Gally rubbed his eyes, obviously frustrated. "Don't be so stubborn. Give it to me now or I'll have Alby take it from you instead."

I glared holes through his face. He knew I was afraid of Alby and he was using that against me. "You want it, come get it then." With a sigh he proceeded towards me.

All of a sudden the Beetle Blade burst to life. I screamed and tried to throw it off my hand. But it clamped onto me, digging it's legs into my skin. I yelled in pain as they dug deeper and deeper.

Gally ran up just as I fell onto my knees. I tried to pry it off but it was no use, I was in too much pain.

"Get it off of me!" I shouted frantically.

Gally started to pull with all his strength but that made the metal go in further. My blood was all over my arm now. It dripped onto my clothes and the ground below me. My body felt numb and I was slowly going limp.

"I can't breath!" I told Gally. I could feel that my throat was closing up hastily. It wouldn't be long until I wouldn't be able to breath at all.

Gally, with one final pull, pried the Beetle Blade from my skin.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I cried out as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I'm going to get you to the Med-Jacks!" Gally stated. He picked me up and started to run.

I could hardly breath anymore. It took me all my strength to stay awake.

What did that thing do to me?

"Med-Jacks!" Gally bellowed. "Someone get the shucking Med-Jacks!"

My whole body erupted in pain. It was like one thousand needles were stabbing me at once.

"It... hurts," I forced out. Gally looked down at me, his face full of worry.

"Hold on," he pleaded. "They're almost here."

I did try to remain awake but the pain was too overwhelming for my body. I felt my head hit Gally's chest. Then, nothing.

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