06 - Newt

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(I also recommend to listen to Take Me to Church by Hozier.)


I finished all the jobs and I think I did the best with the Track-Hoes. Zart said I had a real green thumb. Gardening was hard work but it kept me busy and I felt like I was actually helping.

Minho still hasn't woken up. I almost started to think Gally was right. But I woke up and realized he was an idiot. I visited Minho every day when I could. He would mumble in his sleep or twitch randomly.

"Tomorrow we'll have a gathering to decide what job you will get," Alby told me as night was coming.

"I don't even get to decide?" I shyly asked.

"No. That's how we keep order or shanks would slack off."

I nodded understandingly. I decided to goto bed early today just as the walls were closing, so I left Alby for Newt and I's room.

I picked up a duffel bag that the Creators sent up in box for me and set it on the bed. I grabbed a hair brush before brushing through the tangles that had formed while I worked today.

"Hey Greenie," Newt greeted while he walked in.

I put the brush back and put the bag on the floor. "Hi," I responded. I kicked off my shoes then climbed into bed. Newt practically dove into his sleeping bag.

"Night Newt," I yawned.

"Goodnight Anne."

Something weird happened while I was sleeping, or at least trying too. I swear I heard someone crying. It went away after awhile but then came back.

I got up and saw that Newt was sitting up, curled up in a ball. His face was pressed into his knees and his body shook. Newt was crying.

"No, no, no," he sobbed. "God no."

I slowly got up and touched his shoulder. "Newt, are you okay?"

He got startled and looked up at me, tears streamed down his face. I could see in the moon light that his eyes were very red and puffy.

"No," he said, his voice trebling. My heart dropped and I sat down in front of him. Newt began to cry again, very loudly. The sight of him made me want to cry.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

"Everything. Every bloody thing."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Newt broke out into more sobs. I didn't know if I should hug him or leave him alone.

"You want to know how I got this limp?!" he suddenly shouted.

"Newt calm down."

"No! I can't! It hurts so much, Anne! My limp, my head, all of it. I wish I did kill myself that day, it would all be gone."

It felt like Newt had just dropped a bomb on my heart. He tried to kill himself? I didn't know how to react, I felt frozen in place.

"I climbed as far as I could go on the walls, and I jumped. I felt so free as I fell, I felt like time had stopped. I was going to die and I was happy. Now look at me, I have this bloody limp and I'm crying myself to sleep every night."

"I wish I was dead," Newt confessed, his voice cracking.

I suddenly reached forward and wrapped him in my arms. He was hesitant at first but he soon stuffed his face in my shoulder and cried. He hugged me closely to comfort himself.

I rubbed his back, trying to call him down. "I need you, Newt. If it wasn't for you I would be alone. We have each others backs, okay? I won't let you feel like this, it's not fair. You don't deserve any of this. I'm going to help you get through this."

We stayed in that position the entire night, holding each other. I never let go of my best friend and he never let go of me.

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