11 - The Greenie Arrival

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"Newt! I think I'm dying!" I cried.

I had a metal bucket in my lap that I was leaning over. I tried to hold it in but I ended up throwing up inside it.

"You're not bloody dying, you're just sick," Newt explained.

"I feel like I'm dying tho."

All of a sudden an alarm sounded. It wasn't like the supplies alarm at all.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Means there's a new Greenie, Greenie."

"Finally! I hate that name! Glader words are so weird to me."

"You'll come to love them someday," he chuckled. "But, I have to go get the Greenbean now."

"Aww can I come?"

"Annie, you're vomiting. You are in no condition to be doing anything."

"Okay, mother," I said while rolling my eyes. "Please, Newt. It's my first official Greenie welcoming."



"I said no!"

"Then I'll go by myself."

Newt sighed and nodded. "Fine. Okay."

I grinned and started to follow him out the door.

"Bring the bloody bucket," he commanded. I groaned before stalking back and grabbing the handle.

I kept my eyes from wondering inside the pail for the fear of throwing up again. So I held onto the cold metal tightly and stared forward.

All of the boys gathered around the box, waiting. The air was tense and still. No one knew what to expect now because of me.

Alby spoke, "I want everyone to stay calm, alright?"

"I call dibs if this ones a girl too!" a Glader shouted.

"Slim it!" Alby commanded. "If it's another girl then she goes with Anne. No one else touch her, or talk to her."

The boys eyes landed on me and I became sheepish. I avoided eye contact as I made my way to the front of the crowd.

Conversations erupted among everyone, but I stood looking at the closed box silently. I didn't want to be the only girl. That would mean I was here for a specific purpose. That freaked me out completely.

I thought of the gun. They sent the only girl a gun. That was my purpose. But what did it mean?

There was a small pain in my side caused by an elbow. I was going to yell at the person who did it until I realized it was Minho.

"Still puking everywhere?" he questioned, motioning to the bucket.

"Yes, and it sucks," I responded with a sigh. "It makes my stomach feel really bad."

Minho leaned in so close that his breath brushed my ear. It sent a sensation through my body like no other.

"I bet I could make you feel really good," he murmured.

My cheeks instantly turned a deep scarlet color. My brain froze from shock so I stood in place, unmoving.

Minho was the complete opposite. All he did was chuckle and brush it off like it was nothing.

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