15 - A Sorry Killer

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I lifted my arm before pointing the gun at his terrified face.

"What are you doing?" the 16 year old asked, his voice shaking.

"What I have have too," I said.

Who was doing this to me? Why were they making me kill an innocent boy? These people are monsters.

Tears began to pour out of his brown eyes. While his hands trembled, he started to back away. "You have to kill me?"


"They'll banish you. You'll die if you do this to me," he threatened trying to stop me.

"I won't die, I'm too valuable." I took a step towards him. "One day they will understand. They will understand that I have to do this."

I clicked the safety off.

My heart was going at a million beats per second. But my arm was steady, unmoving. I felt like a robot, cold, emotionless.

My finger rested on the trigger and the boy ran. I ran after him.

I tried to stop running, with every muscle I had. But it was no use. No matter what I did, I kept running to kill him.

I dodged trees, jumped over a log, I was gaining on him. He was leading me to the middle of the glade where everyone could see me. I begged inside my mind that someone would stop me before it was too late.

We got past the edge of the woods when he stated to yell for help. But he tripped. The boy flipped himself over just as I stood over him.

"Please don't do this!" he cried.

I aimed the gun at his face. "I'm sorry," I said flatly.

"No you're not. You're a killer, I knew we shouldn't of trusted you. You're a murderer!"

I didn't answer. I placed my finger back on the trigger, and I slowly began to pull.

"Stop!" someone screamed. "Stop!"

My eyes were glued on the boys face. His whole body shook with fear. I was going to kill a boy who's name I didn't even know.

"Stop!" they screamed once more.

"Wicked is good," I whispered.


Blood splattered everywhere. On my clothes, on the green grass below his lifeless body. Most of it soaked his dark hair.

I was horrified at what I had done.

Suddenly a switch went off in my body and I dropped to my knees. I began to sob.

The gun was still in my hand and I threw it somewhere in the trees. I didn't want to see it again.

They surrounded me and the boy. All of their faces were mixed with terroir and anger. I deserved what ever they were going to do to me.

I continued to cry. "I didn't want to. Oh, God, what have I done!?" I wailed.

Alby pushed through the crowd. His face dropped at the sight of the boy. "Did you do this?" he asked me, his voice low.

I didn't answer him. I didn't want to believe I actually did this.

He was right, I was a murderer.

"Newt, lets bring her to the Slammer," he commanded.

What was Newt and Minho going to think? They will never forgive me, no one will.

I hung my head as two people grabbed my arm and started to drag me. I looked up to see the boy's cold body just laying there.

"What's his name?" I whispered. No one answered me. "What is his name!?" I yelled.

"Josh," Newt breathed.

"I'm so sorry Josh," I cried. "I'm sorry."

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