13 - Moving In

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"I think it's time you move back into my room, Anne," Minho blurted out while we were eating supper.

In my surprise I suddenly began choking on the eggs I had been chewing. Newt pounded my back to stop this fit from continuing.

"Calm down. It's not like he bloody proposed to you," said Newt.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. That's next week," Minho stated and winked at Newt.

As soon as I fully calmed down I took I giant swig of water. "You want me to move into your room?"

"Of course I do!"

"But, why?" I asked, even tho I knew the answer.

"I have to protect you from all these shanks!"

"Newt can protect me."

"Who has bigger muscles?"

"Newt does."

"Oh, sure. And Gally must make you swoon. Must be Opposite Day," Minho said, getting frustrated.

"He does! How did you know!"

"Why don't you just move in his room then."

"Maybe I will. He does make me swoon."

"Go ahead. No ones stopping you. Especially not me." Minho stood up angrily and started to swing his legs free from the table.

I reached over and grabbed his arm before he could leave. "Minho," I said softly. "I was just teasing you. I didn't know you would get this angry. I'm sorry."

Minho stared at me but he slowly sat back down. "So, is that a yes then?"

"It is."

Minho smiled before taking my hand in his. I was all tingly inside, this happened every time he would touch me. I didn't know why exactly, but I had a feeling it was because I really liked him. A lot.

"Would you two stop making googly eyes at each other. I'm tryin' to eat," Newt complained.

I laughed lightly and finished eating my food. Minho and I would sneak glances at each other every few minutes. I'm pretty sure Newt saw us, but he seemed to give up on stopping us from making "googly eyes".

"Do you two need some privacy?" Leo asked as he sat down next to me. His arm pressed against mine tightly. Minho became tense and eyed Leo down.

"I think you need to move over," Minho practically growled.

Leo scooted even closer to me, one more centimeter and he would push me off the table. I was so uncomfortable, but I didn't know what to do.

"Can't you tell that she doesn't like you?" Minho's voice began to rise dramatically.

"Oh, I think she does," Leo purred into my ear.

Minho gripped the table so hard that the veins in his biceps bulged. He was going to snap any minute. If Leo moved, even blinked, it would set him off.

My mind suddenly became foggy, adrenaline pumped through my body. I became angry and impulsive.

I turned towards Leo, with a fake smile playing on my lips. "You have 3 seconds," I threatened.

"For what? Are you counting down to our first kiss?"

"3," I began.

Leo raised an eyebrow.


He puckered his lips.

"... 1."

He leaned forward.

I swung my right arm and my fist connected with his cheek. Leo fell back onto the ground with a hard thud. He groaned in pain and cupped his face. I was breathing heavily, and I was smiling.

Why was I smiling?

My mind cleared before I finally realized what I had done.

"Oh my god," I said in surprise. Newt was suddenly by my side and dragging me to the Homestead.

"What was that?" he questioned.

"I-I don't know," I responded. "I felt like a different person."

"Lets just get your stuff packed up."

Minho jogged up to us. "I took care of it," he informed us. "He said he wouldn't bother you. At least for awhile. Nice punch by the way, didn't know you had that in ya."

"Neither did I," I murmured.

Newt took me up to our room while Minho said he was going to prepare his for my arrival. I grabbed a duffle bag and stuffed my clothes and other items inside. I was looking around to see if I forgot anything when my eyes landed on the bed.

The gun.

Newt was behind me, but he was looking away. This was my chance. I reached under the mattress before quickly pulling it out. I was just about to put it in my bag when I was interrupted.

"What is that?" Newt asked. I quickly stuffed it under my clothes, hoping to god he didn't see.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Annie." He started to step closer.

"It's just ... lady things," I told him.

He looked confused but then shook his head. "I'll never bloody understand girls." I laughed awkwardly and made my way to Minho's room.

When I opened the door I found Minho laying on the bed being propped up by his elbows. A smirk laced his lips.

"What?" I asked.

"You're so beautiful," he breathed.

My face turned red before I put the bag by the bed and I laid next to Minho.

"I'm so glad you like me," he said wrapping his arm around me. "And to think you've only been here for a month and a half."

"You were unconscious for awhile tho," I reminded him.

"Yeah, but it seems like you've been here forever."

"I hope that's not a bad thing, because I want to be with you forever."

"You know what I think?" Minho asked.


"I think that I love you."

My heart was pounding so loudly, I felt like my rib cage was rattling. I didn't know how to react, so I sat up and looked at his face. He was so handsome, it made me melt.

"I shouldn't have said that, it was a mistake. I'm sorry," Minho apologized.

I stared at his lips and I couldn't help myself. I leaned in and kissed him. Minho pulled me towards him while our lips moved together.

"I think I love you too," I confessed, my breathing heavy.

"You are so beautiful."

I smiled and kissed him once more.

Minho brushed the blonde hair out of my eyes before he ran his thumb along the side of my face. "I'm going to give you a forever."

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