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Y/n and Itadori followed the boy down a small street lined with apartments on both sides. An overweight man sat on Junpei's front steps to his home. They started to talk and Y/n could tell that Junpei didn't want to talk to him. The two students squatted down in a location where they couldn't be seen. They watched the two talked as Itadori looked down at the crate in his hands.

He started to fiddle with the clasp, "How does this open?" He questioned as the door of the crate opened, the two curses flying out quickly.

"Damn it, Itadori. There is someone else there." Y/n exclaimed, jumping up to run for the curses. Itadori rushed to take action too. The two students now caught the attention of the other two as they each grabbed a curse, doing a flip in the process.

"What are they? Gymnasts?" The overweight man asked Junpei, sweat dripping from his face.

"Yep, thanks for coming to the show, now goodnight." Y/n motioned to the man, shoving the curse in her pockets, keeping ahold of it.

"Hey, we've got something to ask you, so..." Itadori told Junpei, then glanced over at the man, "Gi–"

Y/n cut him off, flashing a sarcastic smile at the man, "Leave. now."

"Hold on! I'm the one talking to him right now!" The man put his arms up slightly, his sweaty pit stains on his white shirt more visible now.

"Ah, it's pretty important stuff." Itadori said, discreetly handing the other curse to Y/n. She put it in her other pocket.

"Important stuff?! Who are you to say that, kid? And which school's uniform are–" The man was cut off by Itadori pulling the man's pants down, falling down in the process. As the man was laying on the pavement, Itadori ran off with his pants, "What're you doing, you beat! Sto–"

"You better go and get them before he gets too far." Y/n nodded to the man, crossing her arms. The man stood up, taking off after Itadori.

"What was that...?" The boy known as Junpei asked quietly.

"He'll be back in a second." Y/n bobbed her head at the boy, then looked in the opposite side he ran from, seeing Itadori's figure appearing.

"Well then, let's go." Itadori waved at the boy and girl as he approached them.

Junpei turned around quickly, exclaiming at how quickly Itadori came back, "Huh! So fast!" He calmed down, speaking quieter, "...You didn't have to go out of your way to do that... you could have just pulled me aside..."

"True," Y/n spoke up, "or... I could have got involved."

Itadori slightly elbowed her, then started to speak, "Hm, well... but... you hate that guy, right? I had a feeling."

"You're not wrong, though." Junpei let out.

"You don't want someone you hate lingering in front of your house forever, right?" Itadori raised a question.

"Let's go over here," Y/n pointed in the direction before starting to walk away. Itadori started following her, then went to grab the crate for the curses.


They went to a large canal with stone bleachers to the side. Junpei sat down on the beachers, Y/n sat next to Itadori who sat in the middle on the other boy's right.

Y/n put her hands in her pockets, taking out the curses and handing them to Itadori. He put them in the crate, closing it properly.

The girl spoke up, tired of the silence, "Time for questions." She leaned forward, looking over at Junpei, "The other day, three boys died in the theater you were in. Did you see anything? Something..." She paused, trying to find the right words, "supernatural?"

"Like these?" Itadori held up the crate.

"No, I didn't see anything." Junpei answered. Y/n knew that he knew something, at least a little bit. He continued, "I've only come to see them... recently."

"I see..." Y/n and Itadori both spoke.

Y/n tilted her head, asking once more, "And you're sure that you didn't see anything."

The boy nodded, "I'm sure."

Y/n let out a sigh, putting her arms behind her head, "Then there's nothing more to ask."

"Huh? Already?" He looked questionably at the two shamans.

"Hey, what were you watching at the theater?"

"It's an old remake so you wouldn't even know if I told you." Junpei didn't answer Itadori's question.

"Try me." Y/n raised an eyebrow, giving the boy a bored look.

"Worm Humans 3." Junpei swallowed the lump in his throat, answering the girl.

"It's really boring, isn't it? I guess that's why I've been punched so many times." Itadori held up a finger, having an irradiated look on his face.

"We watched that like two weeks ago, you should know." Y/n nudged Itadori, looking up a bit at him. She glanced at the slightly confused Junpei, knowing what he was thinking, "He got punched? Was she the one punching him?"

"It really is..." Junpei said slowly, "but it's a splatter movie, so... maybe we're expecting too much substance from a movie like that..." He put his hand on his chin, propping his elbow on his knee, "...but number 2..."

"But number 2 was kinda interesting, wasn't it?!" Itadori held up two fingers, asking excitedly.

"Yeah!" Junpei put his hands on the bleachers to each side of him, "That's right!"

"Number 2 just has that kick!"

Y/n stood up, feeling a slight presence on the bridge that crossed over the canal. She looked up, seeing no one and not sensing the presence anymore.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" Itadori questioned, looking to where she was looking.

"Nothing." She shook her head, turning her head to look at the two. She stepped a few feet away from the two. She used a finger, motioning for Itadori to come over to where she was.


"You can continue to stay here and talk to him if you'd like." She moved her head, gesturing to the other boy on the bleachers, "You don't have friends so it's nice you two are getting along."

"I have friends." Itadori quietly exclaimed, "You're my friend."

"I don't count." She told him, "You can stay, don't reveal anything that should not be said." He nodded, "Also, be careful. Be aware of everything around you."

She started to walk past the bleachers, grabbing the crate of the two curses. She turned back to look at him, seeing him now sitting back down next to Junpei. "I'll call if you're needed." She called out, turning back to them front.

As she walked on the sidewalk of the busy street, her stomach growled for food. "I need something to eat." She muttered, passing by a man who reeked of alcohol.

"I've... I got something for... y–you eat." She heard the drunk slurring of the man behind her.

She laughed, turning around to look at him, "No, thanks."

"Come on, pretty... thang." He persisted, going to come closer to her. She quickly brought up her fist, punching the man in the stomach. She sent him flying into the alleyway dumpster.

She walked around a bit more, looking at the businesses as she passed. She found a restaurant. Just as she was going to open the door, her phone vibrated from a call.

She pulled out her phone, looking at the caller ID. It was Nanami. She answered it, putting the phone to her ear, "Hello?"

"You took Kyotaka's car so I need you pick me up. I sent you my location." Nanami told her as her phone buzzed with a text of the location.

"Okay. Do I need to get Itadori?" Y/n asked, walking towards the direction of Kyotaka's car.

"He's not with you?"

She unlocked the car with the press of a button as she approached it. "No. Look," She opened the car door, getting in the driver's seat, "I'll continue this conversation when I see you." She hung up the phone, putting it in the phone holder on the dashboard. She pulled up the location on the phone, then started the car.

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