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"Itadori will come back, even if he dies as a result." Y/n shrugged her shoulders at Fushiguro's comment, looking at the heart in her grasp, "That's the kind of guy he is."
"You're thinking way too highly of him." Sukuna wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb, "He's just a dimwit who's a little stronger than most other humans. Just a while ago he was so scared while on the verge of death. He was hyping himself like a mess, you know? I'll tell you this..." He threw the remaining piece of the jacket that had been hanging on, "he doesn't have the guts to commit suicide."
Y/n could see Fushiguro contempleting as he made his hand singal to call upon one of his shikigami. It was a big, brown big; it looked like an owl and eagle together.
Sukuna put his hands through his light pink hair, "I've finally made it outside. Let's make full use of this space. You're next." He looked at Y/n, then back to his opponent.
They both readied their fists. Sukuna came at him first, blocking the puches thrown by Fushiguro. "Put in some more curse, would ya?" Sukuna said as he punched Fushiguro in the face.
As Y/n stood up, putting the heart in her pocket, she missed Fushiguro make another shikigami. A gaint snake came up through the ground, taking Sukuna in its mouth. The bird flew over Sukuna's head as the snake held him in the air.
"Don't give him time!" Fushiguro yelled at his shikigami. In a split second, Sukuna had ripped the mouth of snake apart, "I told you, didn't I?" He suddenly appeared behind Fushiguro, grabbing the back of his cloak, "To make full use of this space." He threw Fushiguro high into the air. Then jumped up to where Fushiguro was, slamming his fists onto his chest, "Good technique," making Fushiguro fly into the side of the building.
Y/n jumped in the air, her hands in her pockets. She saw Fushiguro just sitting there, beaten and bruised, petting his shikigami. She saw the shikigami disappear. "Ugh. Can we go home?" She whispered before she jumped down there, standing a couple feet away from Fushiguro. "Fushiguro, I can take it from here."
Sukuna landed on the ground, about ten feet in front of them, "No, babe, it's not your turn yet."
"I fucking swear to you! If you call me that one more time!" Y/n shouted at Sukuna, who cracked his knuckles.
"Your shikigami... uses shadows as a medium, don't they?" Sukuna asked Fushiguro, tilting his head slightly.

"So what?"

"Hmm." Sukuna put a hand over mouth, "You don't get it, do you? That time... why did you escape? What a waste of talent. Well, whatever. In any case, at this point... I'm not going to heal this," He pointed at the gaping hole in his chest, "you know?"
Fushiguro started to stand up as Sukuna continued to speak, "You're risking your life doing something foolish. This brat... he isn't even worth it."
Y/n put her hand in the pocket holding the heart, thinking, "Well, not anymore."
Fushiguro now had curse energy surrounding him. "Good. That's good. So you're going to get fired up now, huh. Entertain me!" Sukuna shouted at him, "Megumi Fushiguro."
Fushiguro made another hand signal, "Furube Yurayura. Eight hands long sword." He stopped as the markings disappeared on Sukuna's body, Itadori now returning.
Fushiguro spoke to Itadori, "I... I don't have any logical reason for saving you then. Even if it was dangerous, I didn't want to see a good person like you die. I had some doubts, but... ultimately, I made a selfish choice driven by my emotions. But that's fine. I'm not a hero. I'm a sorcerer." He put his arms down, "That's why I never regretted saving you... not even once."
"I see..." Itadori smiled brightly, "You're smart, Fushiguro. So..." He scratched the back of his head, "You must be thinking a lot more about these things than I am. I think the way you live your truth is right. But I don't think I'm wrong either." He coughed up blood, making Y/n step closer to him, "Ah... sorry. It's almost time for me. You, Y/n, Kugisaki... and Gojō-sensei... I don't need to worry about you guys, right? Live long, both of you." He took his last breath, falling frontwards, Y/n caught him as he fell.

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