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Y/n had been standing next to Itadori, but now sat in the floor. She was feeling bad, real bad. The food last night gave her food poisoning and she was trying to not make it seem like a big deal.
"Am I a hindrance, Nanamin? Are we?" Itadori asked, including Y/n, with his hands at his sides, "Take me—take us—with you next time. 'My comrade died. But I wasn't there... because I'm a child.' I'd feel bad saying that." He looked up seeing Nanami with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall. He looked down at the girl next to him, wondering what was wrong with her.
"That's out of the question." Nanami answered, "As you know, the enemy uses restructured humans. Some people cannot be helped. As long as you're in this business, there will be a day when you will also have to kill someone. But today is not that day. Please understand, being a child is by no means a crime."
Y/n slowly stood up, groaning from the pain, "We still got to observe Junpei?"
"Itadori-kun will for now, you need to rest. Gojō said to never, I repeat, never let you use your power if you're sick."
"I'm not s–" Groan. "sick."
"Food poisoning counts." Nanami uncrossed his arms, putting one hand in his pocket, "Itadori-kun, take her to her room." He walked out of the hallway holding his wound with his free hand.
Itadori looked at the girl, "Come on." He said softly, putting his arm up to usher her.
"I'm not moving unless you carry me." She crossed her arms, glaring in the direction Nanami left in.
"Fine." He huffed, quickly picking her up bridal style.
She put her arms around his neck, looking up at him, "Onward, faithful steed."
He shook his head to rid the smile creeping up on his face. He started to walk in the direction of their rooms. He started to think, then asked aloud, "Why can't you use your power when you're sick?"
"Because," She started, leaning her head against his chest, "I can't control how much power I actually want to use and could destroy a lot of things... like... almost everything in the area of me."
"Ah, so it will be best for stay in your room." He spoke as they reached their rooms. He stopped in front of her door, slowly putting her down. "I hope you feel better soon. We're a good team, so..."
"Yeah, yeah, thanks." She smiled, unlocking her door and opening it. She turned around to look at him, "Be careful, I don't trust Junpei."
He nodded then turned to leave as she shut her door. She groaned, laying down her bed, "This fucking sucks."
She heard talking outside her door, noticing that Itadori's presence was still outside. She listened closely, hearing Itadori say something, "Can't you ever think about anything good?"
"No, I can not." She recognized the second voice as Sukuna, "And this wasn't a bad thought."
"To me, yes."
"All I said was I wanted to hold her like that... what? I can't speak?"
"Just be quiet." Itadori told him. Y/n felt his presence slowly leaving.
"This shit better get over with quick so I can go with the boys..." Y/n leaned back on the bed, muttering as she pulled her knees closer to her chest, "Not Sukuna..."


"Please, Nanami," Y/n was on the phone with Nanami, "just let me go. I won't do anything, I'll just watch."
"No, Y/n-chan, just rest. The sooner you rest, the sooner you can get better and come back."
"Ugh, fine."
"Anyways, Itadori needs to be experiencing these things for himself," He paused, "not with you doing everything because you can."
"Yeah, yeah, bye." She hung up the phone, throwing it on the bed. She sat down on the edge of the bed, thinking of something to get her brain off the subject. She got an idea, going to open her door. She walked over to Itadori's room next door, unlocking the door with the keycard, "Where is it?"
She was muttering as she looked around the room, noticing that it wasn't as messy as a teenage boy's room would be like. She found what she was looking for; a manga. She sat on his bed, wondering, "Why does he like these? What's so interesting about them?"
She had finished the manga and was searching for more, "I need to know what happens next." She found more and start to read them in order, eventually falling asleep on his bed with manga surrounding her.

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