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"My technique can forcibly produce a weak point in whatever opponent I am faced with. Keep 7:3 as is when it makes the target's length a line segment... if you're able to land an attack on that 'point' it'll be a critical hit." Nanami was explaining to Itadori, "I can inflict damage on things of a higher grade than me and if it's something with magical power, I can bisect it with this blunt sword."

"Are you listening?" He pushed his glasses with a finger, continuing to speak to Itadori without taking his eyes from the curse infront of him, "Itadori-kun."

"Of course, he's in his own world." Y/n thought, smiling to herself.

A sweat bead dropped from Itadori's brow, "Ah! You were saying all that to me?!" Y/n stifled back a laugh as stepped back over to the staircase, leaning against the railing. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking back to the curse around the corner, questioning, "Is it okay to reveal that kind of stuff?"

"It's a technique that's okay to reveal and it's an opponent it's okay to reveal it to. And it's good if revealing it misleads our opponent, right?" Nanami asked, not wanting to recieve an answer, "There's merit to it. The 'contract' of 'showing one's cards' raises the effectiveness of the technique. Just like this." He swiftly came at the curse, swiping the blade at its legs. He stood behind the curse now, pushing his glasses up. Itadori and Y/n watched as the curses legs came off its body and fell as did the body. "That's it from me."

The other curse quickly jumped out from behind the corner, going to pounce on Itadori. Itadori quickly moved back in time.

"Detergent..." The curse spoke as Nanami did, "I'm not impressed with you looking away."

"Who's talking to me?!" Itadori shouted at Nanami, then let out a breath, "Phew..." Y/n could see Itadori focusing on his magical power as it started to appear and wrap around his hands. She could also tell he was thinking, she didn't know what about. Itadori threw his magical power filled punch at the curse, hitting it in its shoulder.

Y/n watched as Nanami stepped closer to the curse he had taken down moments ago. She noticed something odd about the curse. Nanami started to speak, "My apologies. I will deliver my finishing blow."

Y/n called out to him as she walked over to him, "Wait!"

"Yes, Y/n-chan?" He turned his head to look at the girl.

She pointed at the curse's wrist, it wore an expensive watch, "Curses don't normally accessorize."

"No way." Nanami said quietly as he got out his phone. He snapped a picture of the curse, then called out as the boy was about to send a finishing blow to the curse on the ground in front of him, "Itadori-kun!"

"What is it this time?" Itadori asked in annoyance.

"Wait before you deliver your finishing blow!" Nanami told him as Y/n bent down on a knee in front of the watch-wearing curse.

"A human, for sure." Y/n shook her head at the thought before standing, "Poor thing."

"Why is that?" Itadori questioned, looking back and forth at the curse and Nanami.

"Look at this." Nanami held up his phone as he and Y/n stepped closer to the boy.

"Hmm." Itadori hummed in confusion.

"I took a picture of my opponent." Nanami showed the picture on his phone to the teens.

"Huh? Isn't it impossible to take pictures of cursed spirits?" Itadori called into question hastily, looking over at Y/n, who nodded.

"Please calm down and listen to me."

"This adds on to my inquiry very well." Y/n said quietly as she nodded her head, crossing her arms.


The three of them took the two curses back to the school to be studied. They didn't kill them, the cursed spirits just died on their own, which was strange. The three sat in the secluded seating area, waiting for the results back. Y/n didn't need results, she knew what they were.

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