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Y/n was laying on the couch in her room, watching some action movie at the moment. It was boring to her, because more exciting stuff happens to her on a daily basis.

"Y/n! Come on! We need to go to Fushiguro." Satoru called out, holding on to the door frame, not even bothering to knock.

"Oi, all right." Y/n stood up, pausing the movie. Megumi Fushiguro was the other first-year student at the moment. Right now he was supposed to be retrieving a cursed object.

"You know, I should have sent you." Satoru spoke, looking down at the girl as they walked down the hall.

"You should have, I would have been in and out and still had time for two more movies." She motioned with her head, then held up two fingers.


They arrived at the school, seeing the curse had been killed. Fushiguro and some other boy were there, Fushiguro was on the ground, while the boy had his arms raised in the air.

"What's the situation?" Satoru asked with his hands in his pockets and his bag from the market on his arm.

"Wha–?" Fushiguro turned his head around, "Gojō sensei! Y/n-chan! What're you doing here?!"

"We weren't going to come at first..." Satoru paused before explaining, "but the higher ups got involved after hearing that a special grade cursed object went missing. I agreed to come as long as I have time to see the sights and I brought Y/n."

"So did you find it?" Y/n asked, pushing past Satoru's side, crossing her arms.

"Um..." The boy spoke up, holding a hand up, "Sorry... I ate it."

"For real?" Satoru and Y/n questioned.

"For real." Fushiguro confirmed it.

"Wow and he's not dead, impressive." Y/n walked around the boy, studying him.

"Hm? Ha ha! You're not kidding they're combined." Satoru stated, "How does your body feel?"

"Okay..." He looked down at his own body.

"Can you switch to Sukuna?" Satoru wondered as did Y/n, except she didn't speak.

"Sukuna?" The boy questioned, tilting his head.

"You uneducated boy." Y/n facepalmed, "The cursed object you ate."

"Oh, yeah, probably." The boy nodded.

"Ten seconds." Satoru said, starting to stretch, "Come on back after ten seconds."

"I dunno know about this." The boy had a look of concern laced on his face.

"Don't worry." Satoru smiled, "I'm crazy strong."

"And if he isn't strong enough, I'm stronger." Y/n cracked her knuckles, going to sit off to the side.

"Megumi, hold on to this, will ya?" Satoru tossed the bag he had been holding to Fushiguro.

"What's this?"

"Kikufuku mochi." He answered, "A Sendai city speciality. Super delicious. I recommend the edamame and cream flavor." Fushiguro got a look on his face like, 'This guy went to go buy souvenirs while this was happening?'

"It's not a souvenir. That's for me to eat on the bullet train home."

"You have to share with me." Y/n said as the boy, who was Sukuna at the moment, lunged at Satoru in midair.

"Behind you!" Fushiguro yelled, making Y/n roll her eyes.

The boy now had markings all over his body, black lines and details, and not to mention four, red eyes instead of two.

"I've got students watching, so..." Satoru clasped his hands together, "I hope you don't mind if I show off a little."

"I am literally better than you, Satoru!" Y/n shouted at him, taking the bag of mochi from Fushiguro.

"A woman. Her presence is familiar." Y/n heard Sukuna say before his arm was grabbed by Satoru, getting jabbed in the neck with the other hand.

"When others are around it's Gojō sensei!" He pushed the demon to the ground.

Sukuna sat up, "It doesn't matter what era it is. You guys are always a pain!" He got up quickly, yelling at Satoru, "You stupid Jujutsu sorcerer!"

"You got the stupid part right." Y/n pointed her finger, putting mochi in her mouth with the other hand.

Sukuna smirked, using his power to rip up part of the cement ground and throw it towards Satoru. Satoru broke through the concrete, unscathed and perfectly fine.

"Should be about time." Satoru and Y/n said, watching as Sukuna succumbed away, the markings on the boy's body fading away.

"Oh... was everything okay?" The boy asked as Y/n stood up, stepping over the broken concrete to walk over to the two.

"What a surprise! You really can control it." Satoru told him, as debris fell and broke more.

"Yeah, but he's kind of annoying." The boy tapping the side of his head with his palm, referring that he could hear Sukuna.

"It's a miracle that's the only side effects." Satoru said before poking the boy's forehead with two fingers. The boy passed out immediately, his upper torso falling in Satoru's arms.

Y/n pouted, crossing her arms, "I was going to ask him what Sukuna was saying."

"What did you do?" Fushiguro asked Satoru, getting a look from Y/n.

"What does it look like? He knocked him out." She put her hands in her pockets after knocking on the boy's unconscious skull.

"If he wakes up and isn't possessed, he might have potential as a vessel." Satoru acknowledged, letting go of the boy to let him fall.

Y/n grabbed his arms, throwing them over her shoulders. His chest pressed against her back. He was taller than her, only by a couple of inches.

"Okay, question for ya..." Satoru looked at Fushiguro, "What do I do with him?"

"Even if he is potentially a vessel... he must be executed under he regulations of Jujutsu. But I don't want him to die!" Fushiguro answered, still on the ground.

"Is that a personal opinion?" Satoru questioned.

"Yes, a personal opinion. Please do something about it."

"You know, I have a personal opinion about not having this guy on my back. Please do something about it." Y/n faked a smile, tilting her to the side.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛|||𝑅. 𝑆𝑢𝑘𝑢𝑛𝑎 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora