|||CHAPTER 16|||TRY ME|||

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"Sister, why must you torture and kill these humans, who have done nothing to you?" He asked as he stepped closer to her.
"I have my reasons."
"Walk with me and explain your reasons." He started walking, pulling her with him.
"I don't need to. There aren't many reasons that you would understand." She looked down, then smiled widely at the sky, "The fear, the blood, the screams, oh, how I love it all."
"You must stop and if you don't, I will be forced to intervene." He crossed his arms, staring at her.
"Try me."
The two started to leiviate into the air. She threw a punch at him, hitting him the right cheek. He threw one back, her catching it. He started fly away, getting farther away from the town.
She knew what he was doing. She put out her palm facing the town, obliterating everything there in a matter of seconds.
"You thought I was that dumb, brother?" She tilted her head, going towards him quickly.
"I will put a stop to your killing of innocents!" He blocked her kick, punching her in the stomach.
She flew backwards, then came at him again. She quickly headed up behind him, kicking him in the back. She then got in front of him, punching his stomach, making him fall down to the ground.
He quickly got up, jumping up to her. They kept throwing punches and kicks. It went on and on, they were both only getting a little bit tired. They had so much more fight in them.
He moved backwards, getting away from her. He started to have cursed energy surrounding him, a blue light emitting from his body.
She watched him, taking cursed energy from her body. A white light started to emit from her body.
They both came at each other, the colors clashing together. They backed away, breathing heavily. They both screamed as they pointed their hands at each other, a giant blast of energy coming out of them both. The energy shot them both, disintegrating them both where they levitated.
Y/n sat up straight, breathing hard. She held her chests, like she could feel the pain from the dream. "Why am I having these dreams?" She scratched her head, yawning, "What do they mean?"
She stood up, going to the bathroom. She turned on the sink, rinsing her face, "Who are those people?" She wiped her face with the hand towel, "I'm asking a lot of questions... and no one can answer them."
She walked out of the bathroom, fixing her hair with her hand, "I guess I'll go tell my classmates that I'm 'leaving', yay. Now to find them." She shut her door, going to find the two.

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