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Y/n and Itadori sat on her bed facing each other with their preferred ice cream in their hands. They were telling funny stories and jokes.

"And so he was running around the house chasing me... an–and..." Y/n spoke in between fits of laughter, "he had painted his face to look like a tiger, bu–but he didn't have any orange or white so he used pink and green. He looked like a sick goblin!"

"Gojō-sensei did that!?" Itadori let out a laugh, almost dropping the ice cream carton.

"Yeah, I called him 'my little goblin' for years after that." The laughter died down after a while. Y/n started to think about things, then spoke aloud, "Yo, Itadori? Is there any way that I could speak to Sukuna for a minute?"

"Why?" He put the ice cream down with a skeptical face.

"I have some questions that he has answers to. I'm tired of being left in the dark about everything." She huffed, tilting her head at him, "I'll make sure to make him go back when we're done talking. I promise."

"Okay. Fine." He nodded, letting Sukuna take over his body.

"Hello, beautiful."

Y/n gagged at Sukuna's comment, "Don't ever. Now answer my questions. What secrets do you know? And do you know a 'Shi?'"

"Shi was the God of Death for thousands and thousands of years. Two thousand years ago," He started to explain, "she got blood lust and wanted power, so she took it. She killed hundreds of thousands, almost wiping out humanity. No one could even get close to hurting her."

He picked at his black nails, continuing to speak, "She was defeated when she battled the God of Life, Sei, both killing each other. One thousand years later, I had found the remains of the two in a worshiping temple. I took them both, throwing Sei's remains to the sand to get scattered across the desert. I kept Shi's in an hidden space."

"Okay. What's my secret that I should know?" She crossed her arms, asking.

"You found her remains, didn't you?" He smirked, cocking his head.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She answered him, going to stand off the bed.
He grabbed her wrist, "I can sense the power in you!"
"Fine!" She huffed, ripping her arm out of his grip, now standing, "I found them when I was younger, but I didn't consume them." She shook her head, looking at the four-eyed demon.
"You opened it, right?" She nodded at his question as he stood up in front of her, "Just a breath of her remains contains as much power as you have now. I never opened them. Where'd you find them?"
"I was exploring in my backyard and found a cave." He nodded, listening to her speak, "I found the old box in a crack in the wall of the cave hidden behind sticks and leaves. I opened the box and it had body parts and ash in it. I put it back and didn't tell anyone about it." She looked down, "That was the day before my parents died... I didn't think anything of that box till now..."

"That's not where I hide them, but it has been a thousand years." He tilted his head, then smiled at her, "Well, you're handling Shi pretty well, like this brat with me. Why don't we go finish what's been started?"

"I'm not consuming her remains to help you."

"Come on, babe."

In a split second, Y/n had Sukuna in a headlock. She tightened her grip around his throat, "Don't call me that again." She let him go, pushing him away from her. She stood there, thinking. She then quietly spoke, "You know? That would explain the dreams."


"Um," She rubbed the back of her neck, "yeah... I've been having dreams about a woman killing people and then another dude, guessing Sei, comes along. Then they both kill each other."

"Sounds like Shi and Sei." He moved closer to her, narrowing his eyes, "So you've never spoke to her? She's never taken your body over?"

"No... not that I know of..." She paused, thinking about herself and the woman, "No, she's been silent the whole time."

"Look at you. We're having a normal conversation, ba—" She cut him off by putting in another chokehold.

"What did I sa—" The door to her room opened when she was speaking. They both looked over seeing Satoru holding a brown paper bag.

Satoru ignored the fact that Y/n had a demon in a chokehold and went straight to the bed. He moved the cartons of ice cream to the nightstand and then poured the contents of the paper bag onto the bed.

"Sukuna, leave." Y/n ordered, letting go of him. She went and sat down next to Satoru. "What is all this, bub?"

"Candy!" He exclaimed, picking up some of it, "And... a new movie!"

"Um, what happened?" Itadori questioned, rubbing his head with his hand.

"I bought some things for Y/n and I to do tonight." Satoru answered happily, "You can join too if you'd like." He then turned back to Y/n, "So what was happening with Sukuna when I walked in?"

"You know him, he's an asshole. Someone has to put him in his place." She nodded, then put her hands around him, "I missed you. Nanami is so boring... crazy that he's a year younger than you..."

"Hehe, yeah, he is." Satoru let out a chuckle at the girl, placing his arms around her also, "I missed you too."

"I missed you too...Gojō-sensei..." Itadori's statement could barely be heard as he stood awkwardly in the room.

"Yuuji," Satoru had a big smile on his face, "I missed you also."

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