Chapter 24: Shay turns 1

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Alison POV:
I can't believe Shay is already one! She's growing up so fast.

She started walking at 10 months. Which is really early apparently.

But, she's still tiny.

She weighs a whopping 13 pounds. Which is 5-8 pounds below how much she should weigh. Damn it...

She's 23.5 inches tall. Which is 5-6 inches below how tall she should be.

Which is weird because my family is tall. It runs in the family.

"My baby is one! Whaaat?!" Emily shrieks as she picks up Shay out of her crib.

I smile at how Emily calls Shay her baby.

"I'm going to go check on everything." I tell Emily.

"Okay." She says, and undress Shay from her pajamas.

I go outside into our big backyard to see how everything is going.

We bought a trampoline, Emily insisted on it.

I see Aria and Spencer jumping on it when they're supposed to be setting up the games.

"Ladies!" I yell at them.

They immediately stop jumping dead in their tracks, and look at me.

"Sorry." I hear Aria mumble.

They're are some kids games, a clown (which I fear), snacks, drinks, and a flower piñata.

My kid is weird. She doesn't like kid or baby shows. She likes to watch the shows Emily and me watch.

Emily comes outside with Shay in her arms, and puts her down in her pack n' play.

Everyone, beside Spencer and Aria, having finished what they were supposed. Now we're all just sitting, hanging out until the guests arrive.

I look around at the big backyard full of pink decorations.

Spencer and Aria have finally finished their job, and are back to jumping on the trampoline together.

"1...2...3...!" They shout in unison, and bounce on their butts.

They both bounce back up, still cross legged, as they laugh. But Aria being how tiny she is, flies higher, and off of the edge of the trampoline, into the dirt.

"Ahhh!" She screams, and grunts as she hits the ground. You can hear the impact.

"Awia!" Shay shrieks and starts bouncing up and down in her pack n' play as she holds the edge.

"Out. Out." She demands as she whines.

I take her out, and set her down on the grass. She runs off as fast as she can to Aria.

"Are you okay?!" Spencer asks, jumping off of the trampoline.

"Yeah." Aria groans, reaching her arm and hand up for assistance.

Emily quickly runs over, pushing Spencer out of the way, and helping Aria off of the ground.

"That was hilarious!" Hanna shrieks as she laughs and walks over.

The guests finally arrive.

Soon, the big backyard is full of confetti, streamers, balloons, presents, and kids.

Everyone enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun. But I still can't believe my baby is already one!

Shay, of course, enjoyed all of the attention.

Her big, piercing blue eyes wide and full of excitement.

She's spoiled. She has a playroom full of toys. And that's mostly because of Hanna. But Hanna just says it shows how much Shay is loved.   I guess that's true.

Chandler, Emma and Ashton are all over her. They recently started doing the baby project in class, and they have all the extra help.

I watch as Hanna climbs onto the trampoline with Shay.

She jumps lightly, and Shay's laughter fills the semi-quiet backyard, and my heart melts.

"Ahh! Stop!" I hear Emily laugh out.

I look over and her, Spencer and Aria are having a water fight.

There are kids running around all over the backyard, Hanna on the trampoline with Shay, Jason making food, the parents talking, Ashton, Chandler and Emma just being teenagers, and Emily, Spencer and Aria being kids again.

This is my life.

And I wouldn't change it for the world.

Sorry I'm so late at updating.
Writers block.
And no one ever comments anymore, so I guess no one likes this book anymore?

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