Chapter 33

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Alison POV:
"Babies! Come on!" I shout as I put on my shoes.

"Where going?" Michael asks.

"You see mama and bubba and sisters."

"Yay! Mama! I see mama!" Emerson shrieks.

"Come on." I mumble, and lead them to the car.


"I love you, kids. Remember that." I hear Emily whisper to the 3 older kids.

Tears sting my eyes as I stand against the wall with a sleeping Michael on my shoulder and Emerson at the bottom of the stairs, staring up at me with tired eyes. Phoenix is already sprawled out on the couch.

"Are you leaving mom?" Whitney asks Emily.

Emily stays silent. All I can hear is the steady breathing of Michael, his little snores, and the beat of his heart.

"Mom, you can tell us. We're 14 and 16 years old." Asher speaks up.

"If you are, we understand. She hurt you." Shay adds.

Emily takes in a deep breath before speaking. "...I really don't know..." Emily whispers, her voice sounding sad and broken.

"I'll call her." Whitney offers.

My eyes go wide, and I grab my phone.

I quickly go step by step down the stairs, and get Emerson and Phoenix.

My phone rings just as I close the door, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hello?" I answer after a few seconds.

"Hey, mom. It's Whitney. Can you come over please?" She asks politely.

"I'm actually out driving right now, so I'll be there in, like, 2 minutes." I respond.

"Okay. Cool." She replies, and hangs up.

I wait a couple more minutes before going back inside.

"Hello?" I call out.

"Hey, mom." Asher says bluntly as he comes into view on the top of the stairs.

His black skinny jeans are practically falling off of his body, his black sweatshirt a little ruffled at the hem, and his gray shirt visible hanging loosely under his sweatshirt. The gray beanie Emily bought him for Christmas showing his tanned blonde hair.

He's not a baby anymore.

I go upstairs, leaving the triplets behind.

I walk into Emily's old room. It's the same as when she was in high school.

"Umm, kids? Can you go downstairs with the babies?" I ask.

"Sure." Shay replies, and they all walk out of the room.

I close the door, and turn around to look at Emily.

"I want to begin to say I'm sorry." I tell her. "I was an idiot...I am and idiot. I guess I just missed you, or missed having someone around..." I trail off. My voice cracks a couple of times, and tears are streaming down both mine and Emily's faces.

"You cheated on me. Not only did you cheat on me, but you cheated on me with a guy!" Emily shouts, her voice sounding so broken.

"I know. And I am so stupid for doing that. I'm the same stupid girl I was in high school." I speak. "You were away on trips for your job, and I was here." I pause to take a breath. "I guess I just thought I needed someone. But I'm just stupid. I don't deserve anything. I don't deserve love." I whisper the last sentence as I play with my wedding ring, but Emily heard me.

"Alison, that's not true." She says.

"Yes! It is! I am so stupid, and so selfish! I don't deserve anything! And you deserve the world!" I exclaim.
At this point, I'm sobbing.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" I start to break down.

"I love you! I love you with everything I have! But you deserve someone who can treat you right. You are the best person I've ever met, and look at me! I'm a disaster!" I yell.

"What are you saying, Alison?" Emily asks me as she sniffles.

"...I'm sorry." I say again. "You deserve someone better." I whisper, and turn around.


"Goodbye, Emily." I murmur, and walk out of her bedroom.

Short update. I know.

I couldn't write yesterday because I was stuck in the car.

Alright, well I'll try to update when I can. Bye.

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