Chapter 37

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2 days later

Emily POV:
"Alright, Mrs. Fields." The doctor says with a look of concern on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask frantically.

I know something's wrong, I know the cancer was moving pretty quickly.

"Would you like your wife in the room?" He asks.

Now I know it's bad.

"No, just tell me whatever the hell is wrong." I say as tears build up in my eyes.

"It seems clear that the cancer is moving quite rapidly. Faster than it has been. I suggest we fight back more agreeable than we have been, and see where it takes us." He says.

I know I'm dying. It's obvious. I'm constantly tired, and I'm losing weight like crazy. Also, my body hurts and bruises are appearing all over me.

"Okay." I whisper.

He leaves the room, and I immediately break down.

My body racks with sobs, and I hug my knees to my chest.

It gets hard for me to breathe from crying so hard. I choke and cough from all of the tears and cries, and clench my hands onto to the hospital gown.

My hands shake as I reach up to wipe my tears.

I rake my fingers through my hair and I continue to cry and it comes out with a bunch of hair on my fingers.

I start crying harder and hear a knock on the door.

I straighten myself up and wipe my tears.

I lay down and act like I'm sleeping.

"Emily?" I hear a soft voice call.


"Mama sweeping?" I hear Phoenix ask.

"Yeah." Alison replies.

I feel someone sit next to me, and their soft voice speak.

"Mom. You awake?" Asher asks.

I roll over and act like I'm just waking up.

"Hey, bud." I say, and ruffle Asher's hair.

He smiles at me and hugs me gently.

"Hi mama!" Emma exclaims and wriggles out of Alison's arms.

"Bye, babe." Alison says, and lightly kisses me.

"Hi. Where's Shay, Michael, and Whitney?" I ask.

"Shay took them to get some snacks." She answers.

"When do you go in for chemo?" Asher asks me as he holds Phoenix.

He's so mature about this. He stays strong and helps with the babies.

I know that when the days over, he'll go in his room and cry, but during the day...He's my mature fifteen year old.

He shouldn't have to go through all of this, but he does. And he stays strong through it all.

I look at the clock and turn toward him.

"Ten minutes." I say quietly.

Shay comes into the room with Whitney behind her holding Michael, and sets the snacks and drinks down.

"Here." Whitney says, and hands be a bouquet of fake flowers.

I laugh and put them in the vase next to the hospital bed.

You can't have flowers in the cancer wing, so she brings me fake ones every week and we throw the old ones out just like you would with real flowers.

After a while of talking and laughing, Alison and me head down to chemo.

The kids stay in the room with mine and Alison's phones for the babies, and Shay, Asher, and Whitney have their phones.

I sit down and they stick me with needles, me wincing and cringing every time. I hate needles.

Alison sits in a chair across from me and flips through magazines for the next three hours.

We make small talk every now and then until I fall asleep.

After going back into the room, we're talking for a few minutes until I get sick.

I throw up in the puke tub next to my bed and Emma cries.

"Mama otay?" She asks Alison.

"Mama's fine. I'm just going to go to sleep for a long time." I pause and take a deep breath and swallow. "I just need to rest my eyes. But you'll see me soon, baby girl." I whisper as I start to drift off.

The last thing I hear is Asher calling me and Alison's cries.

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