Chapter 18: Baby DiLaurentis

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"The baby's coming!" Alison exclaims in a panic.

I jump out of bed, and help Ali to the car.

"1...2...3!" The doctor says, and I push one last time.

I grab Emily's hand, I picked her to be in here with me.

"It's a girl!" The doctor announces.

I wait, but I don't hear a cry.

"Why isn't she crying?!" I say worried.

"It's fine Alison. It's normal if babies for always cry." The nurse says.

Then, the baby starts crying. Loud. The sound you only like at birth.

"4 pounds 2 ounces, 16.5 inches. A shrimp!" The OBGYN laughs, smiling.

She washes her off, puts a diaper on her, and wraps her in a blanket. Then she hands the tiny baby to me.

"Hello, Baby DiLaurentis." Emily says, smiling at the baby.

"She was a month early, so she might have to stay 5 days instead of 3 days,"

"February 15, 2012." I say, and kiss the baby's forehead.

"Have you picked a name?" The nurse asks.

"Yes." I say, smiling.

"Shay Estelle DiLaurentis." I say.

I found this quote in a book, and one of the main characters name was Estelle, and Pip got Estelle in the end.


Alison POV:
I lay on the bed in mine and Emily's apartment, waiting for her to get home.

It's 4:30, so she should be getting home from school soon.

Shay starts crying, so I go over to her bed in our room, and pick her up.

I gently rock her back and forth in my arms, until she falls back asleep.

"I'm home!" I hear Emily yell.

I walk out of the room with Shay in my arms, and go over to Emily.

"Hey, babe." I say, smiling.

"Hey." She says back, and kisses me.

"Spencer took some assignments, and have them to me. Here you go." She says, handing me her backpack.

"Ugh!" I groan, and hand Shay over to her carefully.

I take the backpack, and go into the bedroom to start the worksheets, and read the books.

Emily POV:
I'm really enjoying having a baby around.

Alison goes into the bedroom to do the schoolwork, and I go over to the couch with Shay and I put on The Lion King.

"Mama is a grouch, isn't she?" I say to Shay, even though she can't understand me. I lay her down in the bassinet next to the couch, while I watch the movie.

About an hour later, Alison comes out of the bedroom.

"I'm done." She says.

"I see you changed." I reply.

She was wearing Jeggings and a white v-neck. Now she's wearing black leggings, a blue Rosewood Sharks sweatshirts that hangs off her left shoulder, and bright pink socks, and her hair is in a messy bun in the top of her head.

"I did." She replies, and sits down on the couch next to me.

"I need a nap." She sighs, and lays her head on my left shoulder.

Just them, Shay starts whining.

"Nooo..." Alison whines.

"I'll give her a bottle." I say.

"Thank you." Alison whispers.

I get up and go into the kitchen. I pull out a bottle, formula, baby water (whatever the hell that is), and I also get the pacifier from the counter.

This is my life.

And I wouldn't change it for the world.

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