Chapter 17

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"She's pretty damn fast for a pregnant girl." Spencer laughs.

"I know!" I say, also laughing.


Emily POV:
"Ooh! I want this chair!" Ali shouts excitedly, jumping up and down.

"Okay." I tell her.

"Yay!" She exclaims, clapping her hands.

We continue shopping, and we finally agree on a bed.

It's large, gray, has a nice, soft headboard.

"And this bedding, please!" She says, pointing to a colorful bed set on a tall shelf.

"Let's go get a side table for the bed." She says, walking off.

I scoff and roll my eyes while laughing at the blonde.

After arguing for a few minutes, we finally both see a table we like.

"I want this pod chair, Emily!" She shouts, smiling.

"We already got a pod chair." I tell her.

"But this one comes with a foot rest, and it has arm rests in it, too!" She informs me.

"...Fine." I give in.

"I'm hungry." Hanna grumbles, dragging her feet.

"We're close to the restaurant, and we already got everything for your bedroom." Spencer says.

"Okay." I say, grabbing Alison's hand.

Everyone has gotten their food already. Ali and me are last.

"What do you want?" I ask her.

"Chicken strips and French Fries." She answers, smiling.

I laugh, and get mine and Ali's food. Along with our drinks, and desserts.

2 months later

I wake up in mine and Ali's bed. In our room. In our apartment.

It's been 2 months, but I still her butterflies thinking about Ali and me living together.

I roll over and look at the sleeping blonde next to me, who has been sleeping on her back for the past 8 months. She would usually be on her stomach, face in her pillow, hair covering her face.

"Alison. Wake up." I say. She doesn't budge.

"Fine." I grumble, and get up.

I go in the closet, picking out my outfit.

Black skinny jeans, white v-neck, black combat boots, leather jacket.

I take a shower, get dressed, do my hair and make up, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, give Ali a light kiss, go to school.

I decide to take my car today instead if my motorcycle.

I get to school and meet up with the other girls at our lockers. Which happen to all be next to each other.

"Hey, Em!" They all say.

"Hey, bitches." I joke, and stick my tongue out at them.

"How've you been?" Aria asks politely.

"I'm be swell." I say fancy, and curtsy.

"You're suck a nerd." Hanna laughs.

"When is Alison due again?" Spencer questions.

"One month!" I say excitedly, and smile wide.

"A baby!" Hanna gushes.

"And that baby isn't yours." I state, and point my finger a Hanna's.

"You and Ali aren't married. The baby can't be yours either." Spencer says.

"I'd like to believe it is my baby." I say proudly, and we start walking off to English.

"Cute." Aria says, smiling.

Emily POV:
"Alright. Your essay is due Monday. Stay out of trouble, and have a good weekend!" Mr. Fitz announces, and everyone groans.


From Ali:

A-When will you be home?

E-5 minutes

A-Okay. See you soon. 😘

E-Bye. See you soon. 😘😘

I get to our apartment, and I go inside.

"Babe! I'm home!" I yell, and set my bag down in one of the kitchen table chairs.

"Hey!" She giggles, prancing through the bedroom door.

"Hey, smiley." I say confused by her behavior.

I go and sit down on the couch.

Alison comes over, sitting next to me.

Alison goes in for a kiss, but Emily is already pulling out her laptop.

"Emily! Want the hell?!" She pouts at me.

"I have to finish this essay." I tell her.

"Please." She begs.

I turn to her and smirk. All she wanted was I kiss. I give her a quick peck.

"Emilyyy!" She whines.

"You are such a horn-dog!" I laugh.

"It's the pregnancy hormones!" She defends herself.

"Whatever. I have to finish this essay."

"It's Friday. Wouldn't that mean it's due on Monday?" She asks confused.

"If I finish it now, then I have more time for you. My beautiful girlfriend." I say, and smile at her.

"Fine." She grumbles.

I finally finished my essay after 2 an half hours. I look to my side and see Alison sleeping peacefully.

It's already 7, I'll make dinner...Ha! Make dinner. I'm hilarious. I make myself laugh.

I open the freezer and pull out a pizza.

I read the instructions, and put it in the microwave.

"What to do? What to do?" I whisper to myself as I stand in the kitchen.

I turn on the tv and put on Disney.

"Dog With A Blog? What the hell?" I whisper to myself. "Where's That's So Raven?"

I sigh, and turn the volume all the way down, and put on my NeverShoutNever playlist.

I dance around the kitchen to the song "Coffee and Cigarettes" even though I've never smoked. And never will. But, it's a catchy song.

Yeah I have friends

But they have friends

And they have parties

And I'm so awkward

I am not that awkward, but I like that line.

"Hey." Alison says, making me jump.

"Holy shit, Alison! You scared me!" I yell, clutching my chest.

"Sorry." She laughs out, smiling.

"Hungry?" I ask, turning off the music.

"Um, yeah. What is it?" She asks.


"Of course." She says, and rolls her eyes while laughing.

Alison's pregnancy was so easy. No morning sickness, she didn't have nausea, and she could eat anything.


Alison POV:
I get woken up in the middle of the night by a sharp pain.

The baby.

"Emily! Wake up!" I order in a panic.

"What?" She asks, shooting up out of bed.

"That baby's coming."

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