Chapter 4: The Girl Crush

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I'm Alison DiLaurentis' girl crush...
"Yeah, Em?" She sniffles.
"I... Never mind." I say.
7:37 AM
I wake up and see Alison's beautiful face. She's still sleeping, and snoring lightly. She's so cute. I lean in and kiss her forehead before getting up, and going to the bathroom.
The journal is still sitting on the bathroom counter. I flip through it carefully, making sure I don't move. There's nothing else in it. Just doodles of flowers and hearts.
I flip to the last page and I see a drawing of two girls kissing with a heart around them and above the heart is written: EF+AD
It's not the best drawing, but it still makes me smile widely.
I hear the bed move, and flip back to the Girl Crush story, before rushing to go pee ad get out of the bathroom.
I walk back out and see Ali sitting up in bed looking super confused. Her eyebrows are furrowed, he hair is a mess, and the straps on her tank top are falling off of her shoulders.
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." I at laughing.
"Good morning!" She says in her sexy morning voice and smiles brightly.
"Did you sleep good?" I ask.
"Better than I have in a long time. Thank you, Em." She says.
"For what?" I ask curious.
"For being there for me."
"Of course."
"I want to meet your family!" I whine to Em.
"Maybe." Is all she says as she takes a bite of her salad. We're eating at the Grille.
"Pleassseee?" I ask, making a pouty face.
"Fine. I'll text them asking of they're home." Emily says.
"Thank you." I say, and kiss her hand.
Why did I just do that... I can't control myself.
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I yell.
"Hey, Emmy." My dad greets me.
"Hi, honey." My moms says, and kisses my head.

Emily parents seem nice.
"Hi. I'm Alison." I say, extending my hand for a shake, and they kindly except.
"It's nice to finally meet you. We've heard so much about you." Mr. Fields says.
"It's nice to meet you, too, Mr and Mrs Fields." I say.
"Please, call me Wayne."
"And call me Pam."
"Emily!" I hear a male voice yell from upstairs. Must me Ashton.
"Yeah?" Em yells back.
"Can I use your charger?"
"Because I need to charge my phone."
"Ugh! Every time!" The boys yells, and I laugh, which causes Em to smile.
"Come on. I'll show you my room." Em says, dragging me up the stairs.
We walk into her room and I see a boy sitting on Emily's bed, charging his phone.
"Ashton! Get out!" Em yells at him, and throws a pillow in his face.
"Oh, so you wanna play that game?" He asks, and jumps up, as they both laugh.
He's shirtless and I notice he also has a 6 pack. This family is fucking perfection.
He grabs a pillow, and flies across the room and hits Emily. Emily runs over to him and tackles the tall brown haired, blue eyed but to the bed.
"Get off of me!" He yells, laughing.
"You have to promise to get out of my room." She tells him, also laughing.
"Fine!" He yells.
Emily gets up and stands by me, and the boy jumps up, and hits Emily on his way out, and she falls on top of me.
Our faces are just inches apart and I can feel her breath on my face.
"Sorry." She breathes.
I can feel the heat rising in my core. I have to do this.
"It's fine." I say, and kick the door shut with my foot.
She turns her head, and when she looks back I kiss her.
It's slow at first, but then becomes more heated and desperate. Her lips are so soft. I can feel fireworks everywhere.

Alison DiLaurentis is kissing me! Her lips are so plump and soft. I feel fireworks, and clocks everywhere running backwards. I touch her lips with my tongue, and she gladly allows entrance. I pull away before it goes any farther.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Ali says, out of breath.
"Same here." I say smiling, and lightly kiss her lips one last time before getting off of her.
I get off of her just in time because Ashton comes into my room.
"You aren't using your charger." He says, pointing towards my phone on my dresser, then the charger by my bed.
I turn and look at Ali.
"Ali, will you plug my phone in please?" I ask her sweetly.
"Sure." She says, as I push Ashton out of the doorway.
"Em, your phone is at 93%." Ali says laughing.
"I paid for the charger. He didn't." I say, and she laughs again.
Ashton walks back into the room.
"Your phone is at 93%?!" He asks.
"Leave!" Emily says laughing.

Emily and Ashton's relationship is so cute. They mess around, but be sure not to hurt each other. Meanwhile, at my house we crack each other's phones, and hit on each other's friends.
"Your brother is annoying." I say to Em, laughing.
"I knooowww!" She groans, throwing her head back.
A few seconds later Ashton comes back into the room with a rubber unicorn mask on.
"Please let me use your charger!" He says in a high pitched voice, and we all burst into laughter.
"No." Em says.
Their argument is thankfully cut off by their parents.
"Kids! Lunch is ready!" Her mother yells.
We go downstairs, and just as I'm leaving Ashton stops me.
"My mom told me to ask of you wanted to stay for lunch." He says sweetly.
"Sure." I say, and smile at him.
We go over to the dining room and the table has tortilla wraps, sandwiches, fruit, muffins, and different juice choices.
I'm jealous of this family. They get along well, they're all super nice, family lunch, a boy, a girl... What else?
As I'm thinking, a Labrador puppy runs in from outside. I look at the tag that reads "Angel" ANGEL! They have a dog named Angel...
We enjoy the rest of lunch laughing and talking, and making jokes.
As I'm leaving, Emily whispers in my ear, "You know, earlier? That was my first kiss." She says, and I turn and look her in the eyes.
"Mine too." I say, before lightly kissing her lips, and walking out. I turn to look at her one last time before I go and she has the widest smile on her face.
"Bye!" She yells waving.
"Bye!" I yell, waving back.

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