Chapter 21: Shay 6 months

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Alison POV:
I can't believe how much Shay has changed in the last 3 months.

She super alert, and probably the happiest baby on the Earth.

I get out of bed and go into Shay's room.

When I get in there, I see she's already awake and playing with her toys in her bed.

She smiles when she sees me.

"Hey, baby girl!" I say happily, making her giggle.

"It's Saturday with means mama and Em are home today!" I say, and she claps her hands.

"Em Em Em Em..." She says over and over again.

"Em is asleep still. Shhh..." I say, putting my finger over my lips. She copies my actions. Attempts to anyways.

"Let's eat breakfast." I say, and put her in her high chair.

"Mama!" She screeches, holding her as out.

I sigh, and pick her up out of the high chair.

She looks me in the eyes, and blue meets blue.

"Who's my gorgeous girl?!" I say in a happy voice, making her giggle.

"Oh, can you giggle?!" I say as I smile at her. I began to tickle her stomach, making her screech with laughter.

"I love you." I whisper, and kiss her forehead. She smiles and lays her head on my chest, snuggling into me.

"Oh, I'm sure this won't last long." I mumble. "Babies grow up too fast." I add.

I hear footsteps coming into the living room, and turn my head to see a sleepy Emily.

"Morning." I say as I laugh at her appearance.

"Good morning." She yawns as she rubs her eyes. Making me laugh more. Her hair is in a messy bun on top of her head, her gray sweatpants rest low on her waist, and her pink tank top is falling off her shoulders.

She walks into the kitchen, and I pull up her sweatpants, making her flinch.

"What?" I laugh out.

"Your hands are freezing." She mumbles sleepily in her sexy morning voice.

"Sorry." I say and smile.

Shay picks up her head and reaches her arms out for Emily to hold her.

"Hey, baby." Emily say quietly, taking the baby.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask.

"My throat is itchy and scratchy. It hurts my chest when I cough, and I'm tired." She tells me.

"Alright! Alright! The party is here!" I hear a familiar voice yell, the voice echoing throughout the apartment.

"Chandler!" I exclaim.

"Me too!" Charlotte says, coming into the door.

"Where's my niece?" She asks, walking past me.

"In the kitchen with Emily." I tell her.

Emily POV:
"Baby Shay!" I hear that familiar voice squeak.

"Charlotte. Hey!" I greet her.

"Hey, Em. How's my niece?" She ask as she smiles.

"She's good." I tell her.

"Yay! Can I hold her?" She asks.

"Sure." I say, and hand Shay over to her.

"Oh, baby girl. I love you so much." She gushes, holding the baby close.

I smile at how much everyone loves this baby.

How much she's loved.

How much she's cared for.

How much she really is wanted.

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