Chapter 7: Ali

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"I love you." Ali says.
She's drunk. I mean, yeah we've kissed, but she doesn't love me.. Or does she? Maybe as a friend. She's drunk. She won't remember anyways.
"I love you too." I say.
She smiles and lays down, 5 minutes later she's asleep.
I decide to go home. She's drunk. She won't remember.
I'm constantly reminding myself she's drunk. I don't want to hurt her. I care about her.

I wake up in my bed.
"How the hell did I get here?" I say outloud to myself.
The last thing I remember is seeing Emily talking to that girl any the party.
I look at the time, and it's only 8:30.
I decide I'll go to Emily's house.
But first, I need to get ready.
I get in the shower. 30 minutes later, I get out and brush my teeth.
I blow dry my hair and out it in light curls, with light make up.
"What should I wear?" I ask myself.
I decide to wear a Billabong Sea You Again Tank Top, black skinny jeans, and black high top converse. I head out down the stairs. Once I get to the door, I see my gray Bart's Hudson Beanie Hat, put it on, and I head out the door.
I get to Emily's and I knock on the door.
No answer.
I knock again.
No answer. Where is she?
I knock again.
2 minutes later, a sleepy looking Emily opens the door.
"Hey." She says in her sexy morning voice.
"Hey, Em!" I say, happily.
"Why are you here so early?" She asks.
"Do you not want me here? I could leave." I tell her.
"No, it's fine. I just wouldn't expect you to be here so early. I'd think you would need your 'Beauty Sleep', come on in." She says, and I laugh at her comment.
"I don't need beauty sleep, I'm naturally like this." I joke, and we both giggle. God. Her laugh. Her giggle. Her everything. She's prefect.
"Do you want to come up to my room?" She asks me.
"Sure." I reply, smiling brightly.
We go upstairs, and Aston room is right next to Emily's. You can hear him slightly snoring. It's kind of cute.
"Hey, how old is Ashton?" I ask.
"Fourteen and a half. Why?"
"I was just wondering. He seems really mature, and he's kind." I say.
"Yeah. He gets that from mostly my dad's side. My dad is the type if guy always saying to be nice, and respect others, and blah blah blah." She laughs.
There she goes again with that laugh that I fall in love withy over and over again.
We go in her room, and I see a sleeping Angel on her bed, with her face snuggled into the extra pillow.
"Em, I'm going to steal your dog." I tell her.
"Try. See what happens." She says, looking at me.
"What would happen?" I ask.
"My brother would tackle you to the ground and scream at you." She says, and laughs again.
I go over and sit in her bed, waking up the puppy.
"That would suck." I say, picking up the sweet baby dog, and putting her in my lap.
"I'm going to get dressed." She says.
Then, she strips down in front of me.
She puts on a white summer tank with a blue flower type print on it, blue jeans, and white converse.
I couldn't stop staring at her.
She brushed her hair and teeth, lightly curled her hair, put on light make up, and her signature Sweet Pea perfume.
"What should we today?" She asks me.
"We should go out." I say.
"Okay, whe-" she begins, but I cut her off.
"With your dog. We could go to the pet store, take her on a walk, go to the park, and then go eat." I tell her.
"Fine. You know, you really have an obsession with that dog." She says, and guess what? Yep! She laughs!
"Yeah..." I trail off, smirking.
It goes silent, then we hear a thud, and groan, and an "Ow!" from Ashton.
We look at each other confused, and we look in Ashton's room.
We see him on the floor wrapped in a blanket like a burrito, and Em and I both start laughing.
"What happened?" Em asks, still laughing.
"I tried to get out of bed to go pee, but the blanket was wrapped around my legs really tight, and I couldn't get my legs out quick enough, and I fell." He explains. Which makes Em laugh harder. God, she's killing me.
"What time is it?" He asks us.
"Uhh... 9:30." Em says, checking her phone.
"What were you two going to do?" He asks.
"We were going to go out, and take Angel with us." I answer him.
"Mind if I tag along?" He asks another question.
"No. Not really." Emily says.
"Cool." He responds.
"Ashton! Come on!" Em yells at him.
"Hold on! I'm almost ready!" He yells.
5 minutes later, he comes out in black skinny jeans, and a white skin tight tank top that shows his abs and muscular shoulders. His hair is also spiked up and he has on all black vans. He smells like Axe Cologne. But then he puts on a gray sweatshirt. Ugh!
I know I like Emily, but I wouldn't mind staring at his abs while we walk around town.
"Alright! Let's gooo!" Emily says, getting irritated.
I grab the dog off of her bed, and we go downstairs.
I grab the dogs shiny pink collar and matching leash off of the hook and put them on her.
"Ready!" I say.
"Finally." Em groans.
"I want frozen yogurt." Ashton says from the back seat of Emily's car.
"For breakfast?" I ask laughing.
"Duh." He responds.
"You're lucky we're close." Em says.
She stops the car at the frozen yogurt shop.
"Go." Em tells him.
"What?" He asks.
"Please go." Emily says while making her best puppy dog face, while handing him money."
"Fine." He groans.
"You know what to get me." Emily says smiling.
"Yep. What about you, Ali?" He asks.
"Just plain orange dream." I tell him.
"Booorrrriiiinnnngggg." Him and Emily say in unison, causing all of us to laugh.
"Hey, Em?" I ask, once Ashton closes the door.
"Yeah, Ali?" Emily responds smiling.
"I know I was drunk last night. What happened?" I ask.
She hesitates for a few seconds before answering. Well, trying to.
"Well... There was this guy..." She begins, but trails off.
"Then what?" I ask.
"He tried to have sex with you. But you stated crying and me and the girls heard you. Hanna yelled at him, and threw her shoe at him." She starts off.
The girls are really protective of me. No one has ever really protected me before.
"And... In the car, because neither of us could drive. Well, I could, but I was a little fuzzy. You were out of it. You were telling Hanna how she was a good person." She stops again.
"Well, she is. Isn't she?" I ask smiling.
"Yeah." Emily says.
"Okay. What's the rest of the story?" I ask.
"Spencer asked you what you liked about me. You smiled, and said you liked everything."
I start to remember a little bit as she tells me this.
The guy, kicking him in the face, Hanna, getting in the car.
"And you told the girls you thought I was a good kisser." She looks down and smiles.
"Oh..." I say. Her smile quickly fades.
"Well, it's true. Anyways, continue." I tell her, and her smile reappears. Which makes me smile.
"And then-"
"And then I said that thing about your outfit, and yada yada yada." I finish for her.
"You remember?" She asks.
"Yeah. I guess you explaining it brought it back." I tell her.
"Do you remember what you said before you passed out?" She asks me.
Oh shit. What did I say?
"No. What was it?" I ask her.
"Umm... You said... You said that..." She can't get it out.
"Em, what did I say?" I really want to know what the hell I said.
"Well, first, we kissed." She says.
"Annnnd?" I asks, narrowing my eyes at her.
"Yousaidthatyoulovedme." She says, all in one breath, rubbing her words together.
"What? I couldn't understand you." I tell her.
"You said that you loved me." She says, quietly and slowly, putting her head down.
I'm shocked. I mean, yeah I love her, but I didn't want her to find out that way.
The. I remember. All of the memories from last night. And the kiss.
"And you said you loved me too." I say, smiling. Picking her head up to look at me.
I lean in to kiss her, as does she. Our lips touch and I feel fireworks everywhere. I gets heated quickly, and we're cupping each others faces.
Ashton gets into the car and sees us. We quickly pull away from each other.
"Did I interrupt something here?" He asks.
"Uh, yes." Emily tells him.
"Well, sorry." He responds.
"So, how are you both so toned?" Alison asks my brother and me.
"Well, I'm a swimmer. And I like to hike and ride bikes." I tell her.
"I'm also a swimmer. I play basketball and football in my free time. I also like to hike and ride bikes. And I have a trampoline. And I like to go outside. And ride my skateboard. And work out... Sometimes." Ashton says.
"So mostly just swimming?" Alison says, in a matter-of-factly way.
"Pretty much, yeah." Ashton says, and we all laugh.
Alison is currently sitting in the grass. Holding my puppy. She turns her head slightly, and the sun hits her perfectly, outlining her frame, making her eyes look bright baby blue and turquoise.
I pull out my phone and hold it up to take her picture.
I press the button causing my phone to make a 'click' sound. I quickly put my phone down, and Alison looks at me.
"Did you just take my picture?" She asks.
"N-No!" I stutter out. "It was Ashton!" I shout, pointing my finger at my brother sitting next to me on the park bench.
"What?" He asks. "No it wasn't!" He says, grabbing my phone out if my lap.
He types in the pass code and he clicks in the camera application, showing the picture to Alison.
"Ooh! My eyes!" She says once she sees the picture.
"Yeah. You could be a model." Ashton tells her, making her blush.
"Hey, back off." I say to him, pushing him back against the bench.
"Are you two together?" He says, looking at me, then Ali, then back at me.
"No, but-" Alison begins.
"But..." I cut her off, and they both look at me.
"Alison, will you be my girlfriend?"

Writers block. Ew.
You have no idea how many times I came back, would write, and give up 10 minutes later.
That ending came out of nowhere.
It was literally just... "What do I write? Oh, I have an idea!" One of those moments.
What will Ali say?
Do you like Ashton? I do. He's a nice guy. I promise. And he's fourteen. So, don't worry.
Well... Yeah. Byeee!

P.S. Check out my other story called "Emison|||Sparia: All I Need" if you haven't already. 👋✌️

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