Chapter 19: 3 Months

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Alison POV:
"3 months?! Are you sure?!" I hear Emily say from the living room.

Yep. Shay is 3 months old. She's so alert, and happy.

I go into the living room while smiling. Shay looks up at me with her baby blues.

"Hi, baby girl!" I say, making her giggle.

I take her out of the pack n' play, and hold her in my arms. She immediately snuggles into my neck and chest.

"Good morning." I say to Emily and kiss her lips.

"Morning, babe." She says, and smiles at me, giving me another kiss.

"What time did you two wake up?" I aka, referring to her and Shay.

"6:30." She replies, letting out a breath.

I look at the time, and it's already 9.

"Want sone breakfast?" Emily asks me.

"Yes, love." I say, and smile.

I look down at Shay, and she has already fallen back asleep.

I go and sit down at the table with Shay still in my arms, and Emily brings me eggs, bacon, toast, hash-browns, and a muffin. With orange juice of course.

"You're the best." I tell her.

"I know, aren't I?" She says, fanning her self.

"You're such a nerd." I laugh.

"Want me to take her?" She asks, pointing at Shay.

"Sure." I say, carefully placing her in Em's arms.

"Graduation is coming up soon!" Emily says.

I stated going back to school when Shay was 2 months. It was hard, but I knew she was okay.

"I know!" I say.

Everyone at our school knows I have a baby, and what happened.

Emily POV:
Everyone is really supportive with Ali and the baby.

Even the people at our school.

It got around.

She was mean at the beginning when she first got to Rosewood, but I changed her, and everyone felt really bad about what happened to her.

I'm proud of her.

We're sitting down, eating breakfast, when Hanna walks in.

"Hey, Bitches!" She exclaims, startling Shay, causing her to wake up.

"Oh, no! I woke the baby!" Hanna says, sad.

"It's fine." I tell her.

Hanna pouts her lip, and walks over, taking Shay.

"Hey, little girl! I came because you're how old? 16?" She says, kissing Shay's forehead.

Then Spencer and Aria walk in.

"Geez, Hanna! You acted like you were running a marathon." Spencer says.

"I wanted to get the baby first for once. I haven't seen her since she was 2 months old." She jokes, because she is 3 months today.

"It's been 3 days, Han." Aria says.

"She was 2 months old then." Hanna defends herself.

"Well, us two are going to finish our breakfast. You 3 can play with the baby." Alison tells them.

"Yay!" Hanna shrieks, making Shay jump.

"Oops..." Hanna mumbles, walking off into the living room.

"Does your kid have a room?" Hanna calls out.

"Yes." I tell her.

"Which room?" Aria asks.

"Second door on the left." Alison says.

"This room is so cute!" Hanna shrieks.

It's pink elephants. Simple.

"Thanks. I know!" Ali says back.

"God, she's loud." Alison whispers, looking down at her food.

"I know." I say, laughing in agreement.

Alison POV:
We went shopping for new clothes because Shay is growing like a weed.

But, I honestly love shopping. People are always telling us how cute Shay is. I totally, completely, 100% agree with them.

We walk to the baby aisle, and it's the usual.

"Oh, she's so cute!"

"Awe! How old is she?!"

"She's so gorgeous!"

"How sweet!"

"I could just eat her up!"


"Look at the baby!"

"I want a baby sister!" One little girl says, and I smile at her.

Emily takes Shay while I grab everything we need. I love seeing those two together. It makes my heart full and happy.

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