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"His name is Derek Vincent, about 6'2, black hair, grey eyes, walks around like he's God's gift to everything. His trailer is that one there, the horrid black and yellow thing...I pray the interior is not as awful as the exterior, he's not much for fashion and decorating." Elsie explained cross armed and staring at the camp site, Charles and Erik stood either side of her. Charles for the most part seemed to be paying attention, Erik was not. He looked around with dull eyes not wholly caring about this whole thing.

He meant his earlier words. They were here to recruit her, not to rescue her. She certainly did not seem like a damsel in distress. If she thought he would not make a very good knight, then Erik highly doubted Charles would make a better one. But from the curious, worried looks he kept sending Elsie's ways, Erik knew it was pointless to try and sway his friend. Always up for helping those in need, it seemed may be one of Charles's annoying traits he'd have to get used to. "So what? Are we looking for files on you or something?" Erik joked only to get a set of serious looks sent his way by both people present.

"Not that I am aware of...look," she looked away from Erik at this point and looked to Charles. "Honestly, I have no idea what you could do. Really, I appreciate the offer of help but really? What are you planning on doing? Going into his trailer and having a friendly conversation with him? Tell him to forget about me?"

"When had asking nicely ever got anyone anywhere?" Erik questioned while sending a look down at the white haired female by his side.

She shook her head. "I just don't understand what your plan is."

"Our plan," Charles said while putting a hand tentatively on her shoulder. She shied instantly away and looked to him with wide eyes. Smiling awkwardly Charles lowered his hand and put it back in his coat pocket. "Our plan is to suggest the subject of your leaving to Mr Vincent, if that does not go to plan then-"

"Plan B is always an option." Erik smirked when Elsie sent him a worried look.

"You can't kill him!"

"Your words not mine."

"But that's what you're insinuating, is it not?" Elsie frowned slowly suddenly taking a very huge dislike to how flippant a life seemed to Erik.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Charles let out a sigh. "Is your trailer near to his? No, okay, you go and pack whatever you want to bring with you. Once you have, return to the bench. We shall meet you back there, understood?" Charles watched as she nodded and silently slipped away into the night. By the faint illuminations the only thing which was visible of her was her hair trailing behind her.

"Oh, Charles, please," Erik drawled while rolling his eyes and looking to his friend.

"What?" Charles looked up at Erik and started his descent into the camp site.

"If you dare to sprout 'helping a fellow mutant out' to me, I will hit you, hard, very hard across the head." Erik said while following after the smaller male. Sure, it was not a bad thing to help out a fellow mutant. Erik was all for that, honestly he was. But this turned almost sickening to a point where it was clear that there was something about the mutant they were helping which had captivated Charles's attention perhaps a little more than it should have. Erik lifted up his hand and the metal wire fence which was surrounding the site screeched as the metal folded into itself. Naturally, people were still up and heard the sounds came investigating. Soon at least several people were walking slowly their way, some of which held weapons like metal bars, a baseball bat, and even one had a frying pan. With a flick of his wrist the metallic objects in their hands easily hit out against them. "What?" He looked to Charles as he sent a look up at him. He clearly wanted to do this silently, knocking out humans was not in the plan.

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