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"Do you trust me enough to dispel the energy you have gathered?" Charles asked while the three of them walked back to the bench, Elsie hadn't answered him. "And do please stop thinking Erik and I are sexual predators or anything along those lines." This got a reaction, well a glare shot at him while Erik was out of the loop and looked most confused by the sudden dark look Charles was sent.

Stopping she nodded slowly, "Sure...well, no, I don't trust you, but sure..." Elsie admitted openly. How could anyone trust a stranger who could rifle through their mind and ask to do such a task?

"That's good enough," Charles said while clapping his hands together and stepping to stand in front of her. She looked to him sceptically as he simply reached out and placed a hand each side of her head, feeling two fingers each side against her temples she sighed when she no longer felt herself burning up from the inside. Charles seemed rather pleased with himself and gave a rather childish grin and stepped back. Erik seemed unfazed by the whole thing, and actually looked almost border-lined bored. "Well now, seeing as how Erik is extremely tired, you're slowly losing patience, and I'd rather just come out with my queries, I shall cut straight to the point. You asked if I was like you," Elsie merely gave a nod, so Charles promptly continued. "I assured you I am, indeed, though slightly different. There are people on this planet who posses extraordinary gifts." He paused to see if Elsie was following, she just gave him another nod. "Some use their gifts for good, others for rather nefarious purposes. That is why Erik and I have sought you out."

"I'm not nefarious." Elsie said quietly while kicking her boots along the slightly gravely pathway.

Charles chuckled at this and shook his head. Running a hand through the brown locks he looked to her. "You misunderstand me, my dear. I never presumed such a thing."

"Right," Elsie said awkwardly. She was at a slight loss as to where this was going.

"We're putting a team together. A team of people who will use their powers for good in hope that we can stop a man from starting World War III and we were wondering if you would help us."

Elsie stopped walking and looked between the two males. They had respectfully walked either side of her but at a good enough distance as to not make her feel uncomfortable. "That's a lot to take in."

"I know," Charles replied quickly somehow missing to catch her concerned tone.

Elsie put a hand to her head and shook it quickly. Bypassing Charles she sat down on the bench which had appeared again. Charles and Erik walked over and sat either side of her again. If it were possible Elsie was rather sure she'd be paler than usual. World War III, other people with gifts, a team of people at that. It was a lot to take in. Hours ago she was just looking forward to the end of the pathetic routine which revolved around 99.9% of her life. And now she was sat on a bench, on a bright starry night with two men who were strangers, yes, but in some regards not. They had something evidently in common. Charles shifted in his seat and looked to her, he didn't seem expectant or anything. He genuinely looked concerned over the sudden look which flitted across her features.

"Can you just say yes or no so we can go?" Erik's voice cut the sudden silence apart. His rather crude words caused Charles to shoot a glare at him before looking worriedly back at Elsie.

"You need to understand that you cannot tell anyone about this. Not your parents, nor your friends, absolutely no one. If you do decide to come with us, any social activities you are involved in will need to cease. If you are in education, you will have to be taken out of it and I will have to tutor you until it is safe for you to return." He paused to catch his breath after speaking that lengthy speech in almost one breath.

Elsie quirked an eyebrow at him, she slowly smiled – the first real facial expression she had shown thus far – and shook her head. "I can't come with you."

"Well, that's that done then. Come on, Charles." Erik wasted no time with standing up from the bench. Pulling the collar of his coat up he looked down at the pair. "Charles, she said no, let's go." He said impatiently.

Charles turned and looked to Elsie with a light frown. Elsie just looked at him blankly. "Is it the case of you want to, but cannot find yourself wishing to leave here?"

"No, I mean...hm," Elsie said irritated and held a hand up. "Listen, I'd be in. I would totally come with you...but I can't."

"May I ask why?" Charles asked.

"Does it matter? She said no, let's get back."

"Erik," Charles said shortly while looking upwards to his friend. Erik groaned and rolled his eyes. Turning away he took to walking around the small space.

Elsie watched him go and looked to Charles. "I shall be brief, there is information which someone here knows about me and my past. If I am to leave, if I suddenly disappear, he will not hesitate with contacting the authorities."

"That's blackmail. No one can hold such power over you, Elsie." Charles said while rubbing his hands together from the cold.

She lifted her hands up and hovered them above his. In moments her hands glowed faintly and heat came off of them. "He does."

"What if we could help?" Charles looked to her appreciating the sudden warmth she was supplying.

"What?" Erik had returned to hear this and looked between the two. "Sorry this was not part of the plan. We are recruiting people, Charles, not acting as knights in not so shining armour." Erik said shortly, growing more irritated by the second.

"You wouldn't be much of a knight with that attitude anyhow." Elsie snorted and looked Erik up and down, he naturally narrowed his eyes while Charles let out a laugh. He didn't know if she meant her words as a joke, but they were rather entertaining.


Edited: 3/May/2017

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