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Looking up at the small suburban house, Elsie nodded slowly. It was cute. If a house could be such a thing, it was cute. White fencing around the outside, a well trimmed lawn which was hidden underneath a thin layer of snow. During the journey here, snow had started to fall, already it was starting to thicken as it settled on the ground. A small ground level porch area was shielded from the oncoming snow, a small swinging seat sat near to a large double window. The front door to this little home was painted a brilliant green. Which Elsie found she was also quite a fan of. It was a very nice green.

Frowning when her boots crunched against the snow, she raised an eyebrow as the snow around her began to melt. Being able to melt snow was evidently going to be a good thing. Raising her eyes skyward to the grey clouds she couldn't help but smile. Think of all the driveways she could clear and get money for, wasn't that something children often did for extra pocket money? What would I need pocket money for? She mused with a small glare to the melted snow beneath her boots. Walking around the car she sighed simply as the snow melted upon contact with her boots. She had efficiently left a clear path. 

Pulling the boot open she tugged out the wheelchair with a small amount of difficulty before bringing it around to the passenger side. "Can you not look so glum? I thought you'd be up for this. After all, it was your suggestion, Charles. At least look pleased." Elsie said while shutting the door of the car after him. He cast a look her way which caused her to frown. "Look," she leaned down to his level. "If you were feeling sceptical about this all, why bother?"

He looked at her unhappily. "Because I need to do something."

Elsie raised an eyebrow at his choice of words. Did he need to do something to distract his otherwise deep perhaps troubling thoughts, or did he feel like he genuinely needed to do something for fellow nearby mutants? Elsie wasn't sure, she presumed it was a mixture of both. Smiling, she gave a nod and a quick kiss. "For luck, we both need it." She whispered while walking ahead of him slightly to melt the snow. Looking over her shoulder she smiled again, he seemed able to traverse the slushy path quite well without her further aid. When they both looked to the front door, Charles gave Elsie a nod. Reaching up she knocked on the door. "How's this going to go down? Good cop bad cop in case shit gets bad? Or good cop and good cop?"

Charles shook his head and couldn't help but smile over her words. "We'll both be good cops."

"Ah, I was quite looking forward to being bad cop." She pouted and slouched slightly.

"How come you get immediate dibs on bad cop?"

Elsie smiled, "Because you're too nice and adorable to be bad cop. If you were bad cop, then I'd be the Easter Bunny." She finished just as the front door opened and a middle aged woman with greying blonde hair stood looking at them both with a rather restrained look.

"Good afternoon, we spoke on the phone. I am Charles Xavier, and this here is Elsie Hart. May we come in and talk?" Charles asked politely while gesturing a hand up at Elsie when he introduced her. She merely smiled at the bemused look the woman sent her way, yet she relented with a nod and opened the door more for them. "Thank you," Charles said quietly while Elsie moved around to aid him into the home.

Soon sitting in a rather humble living room, Elsie sat and fingered her hat, which was sitting idly in her lap. Admittedly, it felt very strange being in this sitting room. She had not been in another's sitting room, let alone house, since first moving over to America and moving into the manor. It was interesting to say the least how different people furnished their homes. She looked interestedly up at family portraits. Though her eyes narrowed at them. Smiling happy faces stared out at her. A father, mother, a young girl and a boy; daughter, son, brother, sister. Which one was the labelled problem child, she wondered. Though she blanched, what if it was both of them?

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