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As soon as the double doors to the new wing were pushed open, the noises of the patients suddenly bombarded them. A cacophony of wails, moans, cries and whimpers. Each seemed to be coming from a different room. Some rooms were made into wards, and then there were some which clearly housed just one patient. Spotting a room which acted as a nurse's station and hub the two managed to sneak past without being spotted. Seeing the elevator in sight they practically ran into it and hit the '0' button. Leaning against the walls they both sighed and got lurched slightly by the elevators descent.

"If she's in the basement...there's not going to be an exit from there. If this is anything like the other wing, the exit is at ground level." Logan said while looking to Charles. He opened his eyes and titled his head to the side to look at him thoughtfully. "We're going to have to improvise on an exit. Brilliant acting by the way, never knew you had it in you."

"Neither did I, but the moment called for it." Charles said nonchalantly while watching as the arrow of the elevator slowly wound down until it hit the desired floor. The doors slowly creaked open and a brightly lit corridor greeted them. It seemed this floor was more illuminated than the one they had passed through moments ago. That already sent a warning signal off for the both of them. If this floor was in better maintenance than the others, then what exactly was going on down here?

"Room 25, right." Logan sighed and started walking along the corridor. No sounds came from the closed rooms. Turning when he heard a door open he looked to Charles. He was curious as to what exactly was down here. Though when he opened the door he didn't expect to see an operating theatre. He suddenly didn't feel well. Logan slowly appeared by his side and looked in too. Even he turned silent at the surroundings. Even without the lights being on, the lights from the corridor illuminated enough.

"We've got to find her, come on." Charles said with a new sense of urgency as he shut the door and walked briskly down the corridor with Logan following after him. Repeating her room number over and over again he stopped when he finally reached it. The number was stuck on the door in firm black numbering. Reaching out to the door handle he turned it and frowned. It was locked. With frantic pushing and pulling it did not open.

"Move aside." Logan ushered him out of the way. Clenching his fist he felt the familiar pulling and tearing at his knuckles before his claws appeared, in this light they looked to be a sickly yellow colour. Hitting forwards his fist connected with the lock. There was a crunching noise, retracting his hand Logan shook it briefly. These doors were thicker than what they appeared to be. Yet he still managed to get the door open.

With it now unlocked it swung open effortlessly. The room was brightly lit by overhead lights, it made the two of them wince slightly. But as they adjusted to the brightness, they could see more of the room. There was the essentials; toilet, sink, a chest of drawers, a desk and chair which looked like it hadn't been used for ages because of the dust on it. And of course; a bed. Within the bed there was a figure, a woman. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully, or that's what it seemed to an outsider. But as they entered the room, the steady beeping of machines caught their attention.

"What have they done?" Charles said distantly while walking over, more like stumbling over. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked down. Placing a hand against her cheek, he frowned. She felt cold. When had she ever felt cold? Even in the winter she was hot! "Elsie?" He whispered while shaking her gently. There was nothing. No icy blue eyes opening to stare at him, nothing.

He looked her over. She seemed so pale, well paler than he remembered. Sure she was pale anyway, but she seemed lacking in anything. Her hair had been cut, her long hair which cascaded down her back was now cut surprisingly short. It framed her face and seemed choppily cut, it made her look like a fairy or pixie with the short cut of it. Reaching down he held onto one of her hands which was resting across her stomach. She was so thin now. She was thin anyway, but not like this. She had changed so much. He recognised her yet at the same time didn't. Looking at the two cannulas in her hand he carefully pulled them out and gently applied pressure until the holes stopped bleeding. He despaired slightly to see two more in her other hand.

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