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"Where is she, Elsie?" Erik asked while pushing a hand through his wet hair. He flicked water droplets off of his fingers and readjusted the grip he had on the gun in his other hand. Taking notice of her hands, he frowned. "That looks painful."

"It's going to get worse before it gets better."

"Is that so?" Erik questioned while clicking his tongue in thought. "Perhaps you're right." He said suddenly and held up a hand. Hearing tires screeching and the rushing sound of something heavy moving towards her, Elsie turned and eyed up the oncoming car. Shooting a look to Erik, all she got in return was a smirk. "What are you going to do? Allow yourself to be flattened by a car? Burn the car up and subsequently blow everyone present full of shrapnel?"

Elsie flexed her hands the best she could, side stepping when the car got too close she sent a small volley of fire at it, enough for it to burn from the inside and tumble in a roll as the heat flared up in the air. Black smoke came from the vehicle as Erik shielded himself from the sudden smell of petrol. He cast a look in the ruined cars direction before moving forwards, only to get confronted with another hit. Unlike last time Elsie full on punched him in the face, there was the quiet sizzle of burning and an exclaimed pained noise from him and a groan from her. This was too much damage to her hands, they'd never recover from this. 

"You are not going after her. I don't know where she's gone, but I know she's far away from here." Elsie said sounding oddly braver then she felt. Her bravery was short lived though when she turned and had to counter against more barriers hurtling towards her. Being able to melt them before they got to her was useful. But it still hurt to even use her powers and channel it through her hands. Screaming suddenly she found herself barricaded against the ground. She had spent so much time focussing on the attacks coming from in front of her, she never paid mind to her weak spots. But Erik did.

Leaning down he looked at her sadly. "Things would've probably been a lot easier, and less painful for you if you just went with her. Not only that, with you in her company I would've found the two of you with so much more ease."

"Even if I did...I would have not stood by and let you flat out kill her!" Elsie shouted at him while pushing against the barricades.

Erik sniffed and shrugged, flicking his hair out of his face again he looked around and then at her. "There would've been a way around that too."

Elsie ceased her struggling as she looked up at him. Never had she ever feared Erik. Not until today. Never again did she want to face him as an opponent. His calculated moves, both offensive and defensive, were strong and hard to counter against as she now found. But it wasn't that. The small amount of mutants she knew and had known were all strong. Strength didn't frighten her. Erik's words and casual way of saying them however did. She saw the taller male leaning looking down at her with a whole new fearful light. And she was fearful.

"Say goodbye to Charles for me." Standing up straight he moved away from her. Of course whoever was still mingling around as curious bystanders screamed and moved out of his way. Elsie managed to tilt her head against the pavement and look from an upside down view point as he disappeared.

Looking at the metal encasing her she gritted her teeth and pushed. They were stuck in the ground by the ends. There really was only one way out of this, and it was going to hurt. "It's bad enough you emotionally hurt Charles, insult Hank and almost crucify him, shoot Raven and intend to kill her amongst a crowd...but this...this is low..." by injuring her hands so much, Erik was essentially taking her out of the game. The majority of her fire came from her hands. It's what any person attacks with... Elsie spitefully pushed upwards again while shutting her eyes, she couldn't help but think to the whole 'looking out for mutant-kind' thing Erik seemed hellbent on preaching. Was hurting another mutant because they simply stood in the way of protecting a fellow mutant friend not in that criteria?

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