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After numerous turns, traffic lights and stops and starts it was safe to say that by the time the small airstrip came into view, Elsie was well and truly lost. Her two companions seemed fine, they clearly knew where they were going, but their confidence certainly did not rub off on her. Even less so when she caught sight of a suited male standing close to a small plane. She hadn't flown before. Ever. Her pace out of the vehicle and towards the other slowed considerably.

"Elsie?" It was Charles who naturally noticed her slowing pace and apprehension. He looked from the plane, which was getting icy looks sent its way, then to her. "Come on," he held a hand out only to have that stared at and for her to move past him.

Erik watched her storm past with a raised eyebrow. Someone was evidently not in a good mood. He may not have been the mind reader out of the three of them, but even he could tell that. The suited male, who was clearly the driver looked her up and down and even more so when she ran up the small staircase which led to the inside.

Once inside Elsie was confronted with a rather cosy – if a cabin could be classed as such – little space. There were two sofas opposite each other along the walls. To either end there were chairs, four and then another four opposite, the same went for up near the cockpit. It was all very neutral in colours, white and creamy coloured upholstery. Reaching up she ran a hand along the overhead storage cupboards. She even cracked one open only to get a good look at an empty space. The other one next to it had blankets, pillows and other such things.

Hearing footsteps she turned in the aisle and side stepped out of the way of Erik, who seemed to have it in mind to claim one of the sofas as his own. He wasted no time in stretching himself out and closing his eyes. He spared a glance her way before tuning out of the quickly spoken words which were coming from Charles, he seemed more than excited about the prospect of returning to this mysterious base which he kept mentioning. Or more so, he was excited to return to this mysterious base which he kept mentioning with their first recruited mutant.

With a quick glance in Erik's direction, Elsie moved away and took to sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest in one of the chairs. She looked out of the window, and at the runway which was beyond the pane of glass. Frowning she reached up and pulled the blind down. Honestly, she had never flown and she did not think that seeing the city flying below her would help at all. Looking up when Charles sat down, she looked around confused. There were other seats, he could very well go sit elsewhere. Did he feel like he needed to sit near to keep an eye on her? It wasn't like she could go anywhere. She was now sat in a metal canister with wings. She couldn't go anywhere.

Her eyes looked down as items were placed on the smooth white surface. Tilting her head to the side she reached out tentatively and turned something over. "Now I can openly admit," Charles started to say, her eyes flicked up to look at him as she dropped the item in her hand. It landed to the surface with a rustled crunch which neither really paid attention to. "That aeroplane food is not the best." He smiled honestly at this, Elsie had no other option but to give an agreeing nod, though really she had no idea.

"Well," she started to respond only to grip onto the seats arm rests when there was a shudder. She looked around with wide eyes before looking to him for some sort of explanation.

"We're taking off." Charles seemed to state a little too obviously, and little too smugly for her own liking. She narrowed her eyes at him and reached out to open one of the silver packaged items. She would be lying if she said she wasn't hungry. She honestly couldn't remember the last time she had had a proper meal. "As you were saying?" Charles prompted casually while leaning back in his seat. He stretched his legs out underneath the table and rested his hands on his stomach.

"I can't remember what I was going to say." Elsie admitted honestly while looking around with worried eyes. "Erm, well...in regards to the food, I do believe I shall take your word for it." She remembered after a few moments of silence. Taking to eating something which looked like it should resemble a sandwich of some sort she just took to sitting cross legged in her seat while not wholly registering how quickly she was trying to eat.

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