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Warm welcomes weren't exactly in popular demand when returning back home. Elsie was tired and slightly miserable from the driving, Charles and Michael had spent most of the way home chatting on and off, and when all fell silent it was clear that the younger boy had fallen asleep. Elsie had rather quickly remarked: "How can he be tired? He's not done anything!"

Charles had rolled his eyes at her and shook his head. "I suppose living in worry and fear may interfere with ones sleeping patterns." He had retorted simply while looking out of the window. By now it had started to snow heavily, and thankfully Elsie had adapted her driving skills to suit the weather. She was being a lot more cautious and safe. Much to Charles's happiness. All in all the way home was as uneventful as the way there. And by the time they all returned home it was near six in the evening, dark, cold and snowing. Everyone was either in their room, or if your name was Sean then you were in the kitchen attempting to make something to eat.

"Hey! You guys are back," he said while walking along the hallway to where the three were still loitering in the doorway. Elsie wasted no time in kicking it shut and looking to him. "Woah there, what's the door ever done to you?"

"Nothing," Elsie turned and looked at the door. Placing a hand against it she sighed, "I am sorry for kicking you." This if anything caused Michael to look at her strangely. Charles looked from the young boy to Sean, as if getting the hint the older teenager walked forwards. Pulling his hands from his pockets, Sean held out a hand. Hesitantly Michael reached up and placed one into Sean's awaiting hand.

"Hi there, I'm Sean." He said rather awkwardly, he didn't exactly know what else to say to the kid.

"Michael," was all he got in response. It seemed he felt just as strange.

Elsie rolled her eyes, "Well I can tell you two will be best buddies in no time. But I hate to split you two apart for the moment, but I need to show Michael his new room." Placing her hands on his shoulders she nudged him forwards. "Come on, kiddo. Let's get you settled, hm? Then we can see to getting something for dinner."

"I vote pizza!" Was Sean's lone exclaim as he watched the two walk up the stairs. He got a thumbs up from Elsie. When it came to take out, she wasn't fussy. And really that made ordering it all the more easier. Of course they were going to order something in, that didn't even get discussed. With a sigh Sean looked back at Charles. "You good?"

Snapping out of his thoughts, Charles looked up at Sean with a smile. "Remind me never to go driving with Elsie again."

"She's that bad, huh? Ya know, that would make sense as to why Alex said he was never going to get in a car with her again too."

Charles smiled and nodded his head. "But we both thought he was being overdramatic."

"For once, he was not." Sean's eyes widened slowly. Shaking his head he smiled and shrugged. "Need any help?"

"No, no I'm fine thank you, Sean. You just go back to whatever it was you were doing before we returned." Charles said while slowly turning and motioning down the corridor.

"Eh, that would be cupboard raiding!" Sean exclaimed while scratching the back of his neck. "Which coincidentally I can stop."

Charles looked over his shoulder before turning a corner. "I'm going to stop this take out habit you all have. It isn't good to live on that stuff."

Sean's shoulders slumped, though he perked up and clicked his fingers. Pointing a finger he walked forwards with the intention to finding something else to do. "Says the man who eats it when it's placed in front of him!" Sean seemed rather triumphant with this. Charles couldn't help but laugh quietly as he finally moved out of his line of vision, he would let Sean have that one, simply because it was the truth.

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