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"I liked him, Charles...I find it increasingly hard to like people, let alone trust them, and in the short amount of time we knew each other, I felt like he was someone I could have eventually called a friend." Elsie said honestly while looking up at him. "His death was not as straightforward as you think...Alex and I, we tried to help...though it did little good because our attacks were used against us, him, Shaw just used our powers and killed him..." Elsie trailed off sadly and shook her head. "What use is having this power, if people near me just end up hurt or dead? I know that's slightly selfish to think, but it's what I think and feel. I played a part in Darwin's death, and I can't deal with that...Alex seems to be coping quite well, on the face of things, I however am not."

Charles looked thoughtfully from her to the window and then back again. Turning, he leaned down slightly to be on the same eye level as her, though really it didn't take much considering he wasn't that much taller than her. "Elsie, I need you to listen to me." Her eyes begrudgingly flitted up to look at him. "I think you are brave for trying to help, and really I don't think Alex is coping as well as you think. You two are in the same boat here." He paused to see her look away and look uncertain. "Even if you didn't try to intervene, I believe Darwin may have placed himself in a position where it was likely of him to get hurt."

"Not dead though." She whispered with a frown.

"What I mean is, Shaw was likely to kill Darwin through other means for trying to deter him. He used your powers because it was there, and it was easy. He saw the opportunity and took it." Charles said firmly trying to get this across to her. She eventually seemed to register what he was saying, she nodded slowly and looked to him.

"I suppose you are right." She said thoughtfully.

Charles slowly smiled and nodded, "Better?" He asked, talking more often than not helped. Talking could help any situation, he found. Elsie's expression turned to one of content happiness as she nodded and looked to him. "Good, I'm happy to hear it." He straightened up and crossed his arms loosely. "If you need to talk, Elsie, I am here. Don't keep things bottled up, it doesn't help."

"I can talk to you about anything?" She asked sceptically.

Charles mused over this, tilting his head to the side he hummed and eventually nodded. "Within reason, yes, you can talk and tell me anything." He watched as she looked thoughtful. "Is...is there something else?" The expression on her face caused him to falter slightly. He did say 'within reason' though, for a specific reason. He could only help her with so many things.

Elsie sheepishly smiled, "I must confess...my shoulder may be hurting more than I'm letting on."

"Come on," he nodded towards the door, turning on his heels he started to walk back towards it. "Let's try and find you some painkillers, hm?" He looked over his shoulder and waved a hand at her. "Just leave your stuff, Elsie. You can come back for it later." She looked to the strap in her hand and rather swiftly dropped her pack back to the floor. Picking up her feet she walked quickly after him as he held the door open for her.

"When do we start training?"

"Are you eager to start?" Charles smirked while turning the corner and walking towards the kitchen. He distinctly remembered a small medical box being housed in one of the cupboards. If there was nothing useful there, he'd have to go raiding in the bathrooms, all of them, in a ditch effort to find something to relieve her pain. If there was nothing here, then she may have to wait until they went out. It was already clear they'd need to go out to get some food, just add painkillers to the shopping list.

Elsie laughed, Charles looked to her curiously. Her laid back melodic laugh died away as she shook her head, she pushed white locks of hair over her ear and looked to him. "No."

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