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Stepping foot out of the bath, Elsie had quite forgotten how nice of a luxury it was. When it came to cleaning in Reverence it was usually the case of being crammed into a cubicle...with a shudder she shook her head. Rubbing her hands together she smiled at the glow and increase of heat which was appearing in her palms. It was good to be back. In more ways than one. It was good to be home, and it was good to have control again. All those drugs really blocked her off. She had never felt so normal, so human before in her life.

Truthfully, it was horrific. She never wanted to feel like that again. With a shrug she smiled and held her hands above her skin to dry herself off. Baby steps, she could heat her whole body to dry off, but she hadn't done that in so long she feared she would've erupted into flames. So, baby steps it was. She could control the heat in her hands easily enough. Once dried she quickly dressed. She was more than thankful that her clothes still fitted. She even let out a childish giggle as she found her boots. Her boots! She was so happy to see the well-worn scuffed up items of footwear she actually held them against herself for a moment. It was dramatic. But she didn't care.

Shoving them on she reached down and pulled up a pair of long black socks which stopped just above her knee. From what she had glimpsed by the three males, fashion had changed. And though she had nothing from this time, she managed to find rather neutral clothes. A navy blue long sleeved shirt with white lace design around the collar, a black skirt which stopped mid-thigh, and then of course the long socks and her boots. She didn't do anything with her hair, when assessing her outfit in the wardrobes mirror. Her hair flicked and curled at odd angles thanks to the hash job which was inflicted on it. Looking about she grasped onto a pair of black trousers and a jacket and ran out of her room while shoving them into her ever trusty knapsack. She had a wave of nostalgia hit her as she spied it sitting in the bottom of her wardrobe.

Jumping down the last steps of the stairs she rushed down the hall towards the room where voices were coming from. Her bursting through the door cut the conversation short and they looked to her. Smiling she threw her pack to one side and shuffled forwards. "Morning!"

"It's nice to see someone enthusiastic for today." Logan couldn't help but comment but sent her a smile and a good morning.

"Well...yeah, bit surprising but oh well." Elsie commented sheepishly while he looked at her curiously.

"Good morning," Charles said while looking away from the table and looking to her. Elsie smiled and walked over before awkwardly taking the plate from his hands which he offered to her. "Busy day, you need to eat." He remembered too well her aversion to eating. Yet with a measured shrug she commenced eating the toast. Happy with her willingness for once, Charles looked back to the blueprints which were spread across the table. "So what exactly are we looking at, Hank?" He asked though he did pinch a slice of toast from the plate in Elsie's hands. It was originally his breakfast, but he had gone quite a while now without having a solid meal at the start of his days. His breakfasts were usually of a liquid variety, and they usually caused him to fall into a dreamless stupor. Shaking his head and ignoring the look Elsie shot at him, he merely smiled and continued eating while Hank answered his question.

"The room they're holding him in was built during the Second World War when there was a shortage of steel. So the foundation is pure concrete and sand, no metal." Hank said while unrolling more blueprints.

"Wow, he must be so comfortable. What a hotel you've found yourself in." Elsie muttered while biting into the toast and then frowning. "Hold on...what? Where is he?" The room turned silent then, she looked around bemused. She believed Erik was still out enjoying the world, causing mischief here and there like he usually seemed to do. But then, when she thought about it, Raven and he were together, it suddenly sunk in that when speaking about the matter no one had been spoken about them as a collective. They weren't together anymore. But that still didn't answer her question.

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