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Sitting in front of the sofa, wrapped up in a blanket, all that could be seen of Elsie were her eyes. These were peeking out from the soft material of the blanket and staring at the television with unblinking blue eyes. She watched intently as a finely dressed blonde rode in the back of a hansom cab, which drifted through thick misty fog towards a large dark windowed manor house. She leaned forwards as the door creaked open, and she leaned forwards even more when the blonde walked through the corridor towards a main hall. The whole room was covered in cobwebs, thick white webs that looked, quite frankly, like cotton wool were strewn about over chairs, the long table, glasses and plates. Regardless of the slightly dodgy set, Elsie seemed more than gripped. Honestly, if she leaned forwards anymore, she would end up head butting the small screen.

She was sitting downstairs on her own in the dark. After everyone had rather quickly ate dinner, seems they now had supplies, what was the point of getting take out? Much to Sean's apparent dismay though, he still ate and enjoyed the simple dinner which everyone in their own way pitched in to help make. Regardless of seemingly wishing to spend some quality girl time with her, Raven had gone to bed yawning quietly behind her hand. Elsie narrowed her eyes and rather pointedly stated she'd still watch the late night movie in case she changed her mind, she'd know where to find her.

"It's a tarantula, Lenora! Why're you screaming over that?!" Elsie said shortly, though when Lenora, the finely dressed blonde screamed, Elsie did flinch. The arachnid was climbing its way over a cotton wool webbed goblet. Shaking her head, Elsie readjusted the blanket around herself and watched as Lenora made her way through a thick wooden door which led to a small alcove like kitchen space. Hearing a knocking sound Lenora's attention snapped to some nearby stairs, whereas Elsie whined. "I'd scream more over that than a stupid spider." She muttered while sort of folding in on herself. "Why?! What are you doing you silly girl?!" She complained when Lenora decided to walk up the stairs and investigate where the noise was coming from. When another knock sounded out, Elsie whined again. 

The suspense seemed to get upped slightly then as Lenora tried and failed to open one door, and made her way to another. She placed her white gloved hand against the doorknob and pushed, the door creaked open, of course, and she made her way inside. Elsie scrunched her nose up, nothing good could come of this surely. Regardless she still watched, leaning back against the sofa this time as Lenora investigated the room. Elsie was rather aware then that both the movie had turned silent as Lenora turned detective, and the house around her was silent too. She looked around and tucked her feet underneath herself, she felt safer when curled up under the blanket.

"Good movie?" A voice whispered from the doorway, which of course made her exclaim and shoot up to look over the back of the sofa. It didn't help that Charles voicing this happened just as Lenora's estranged father cropped up and spoke too. Both things made her jump, and she wasn't too pleased about it really.

"How long have you been standing there?" Elsie decided to ask, her tone came out rather clipped though.

Charles pushed away from the door frame, he mused over her question while walking over to her. "Long enough to hear you call the main character a 'silly girl'." Charles said with a smile. "As well as jump over things which go bump."

"Knock, actually."

Charles's eyes narrowed playfully as he smirked. "Not much difference there really." He looked to the television which still had the movie playing. Looking to the floor he looked to the amount of cushions she had surrounded herself with. It was safe to say she had made herself quite a little cushion fort here. "I see Raven decided not to come back down and join you?"

"Nah," Elsie said while sitting down and shaking her head free of the blanket.

"That's perhaps a good thing, I don't think she's much of a horror fan." Charles gestured to a cushion, Elsie shrugged and looked quickly back to the screen. He fidgeted slightly and got comfortable while leaning back against the sofa. He watched as Elsie slowly leaned forwards, she really was going to hit her head against the screen if she wasn't careful. 

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