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"Where did you get these?" Logan asked curiously. He looked at the blueprints spread on the table in front of him. It had been decided that they'd go break Elsie out, return here and then as soon as tomorrow came they'd set off to get Erik. It was already midday, by the time they even got to Elsie it'd be mid-afternoon. Getting both her and Erik in the same day would be too much. Not only that, if they could return here with Elsie, they could very well try and find a way of incorporating her into whatever the plan would be for getting Erik free.

"It doesn't matter," Hank replied quickly while pushing his glasses up his nose. "Just be thankful I have them or else we'd be screwed."

"So, where is she?" Logan asked and looked up as Charles reappeared. "Your tie is crooked," he pointed a finger at him. Charles grumbled something to himself and fixed it. "What's got you looking so smart anyway?" Logan smirked, he was sure Elsie would appreciate the effort, or would she? He didn't even know the woman.

"Elsie is incarcerated for...well, more or less the same crimes as Erik."

"She shot a president?" Logan frowned, he didn't know Charles attracted so many murderous people.

He shot Logan a look, "No." He said shortly while walking to the table. He looked to the hospitals blueprints and frowned. This place looked huge. If the plans made it look huge, he could only imagine what it was like in person. "She's imprisoned for the murder of her mother as well as a few other incidents."

"Do you usually go for the deadly killer types?" Logan couldn't help but ask.

Charles smiled and rubbed a hand against his forehead in thought. "She's not deadly, or killer. What happened happened when she was a child. She isn't...wasn't like that." He corrected. As much as he hated to admit it, Charles didn't know what Elsie was like now. And it hurt and frightened him, it hurt and concerned him not knowing if he was going to see the same happy smiling face he'd got used to waking up to each morning. Or whether being locked away for so long had affected her in more ways than one. "Look, as far as we can tell from Hank's excessive research is that they've given up on the case. So we're going to call them out on it." Charles explained while glancing at pieces of clippings which Hank had kept which briefly documented an unknown, unnamed woman being on trial for crimes back in England. Honestly, Charles thought she'd be shipped back, but apparently the death of her father caused the case to halt. He was seemingly the unfaltering driving force behind bringing his daughter to justice. With him gone, Elsie was then left in state care.

"Meaning?" Logan asked curiously, he wanted to know what plan Charles had seemingly come up with.

A smirk was sent his way while Charles placed the clippings to one side so he could get a clearer look at the blueprints. "Ever played cops and robbers? Think of this as us being the police, only instead of putting someone behind bars, we're breaking them out."

"It is illegal to impersonate a member of law enforcement." Logan smirked. Though the faux shocked expression on Charles's face signalled to Logan that really, he didn't particularly care right now. The Charles he knew seemed so by the book at times, this Charles however seemed up for casual law breaking, what a contrast. Logan frowned, was a shame no one else would remember all of this or else he could've teased and joked future Charles to no end.

Charles smiled. "Oh well, now come on. Which wing is she kept in, which floor, which room, is she guarded? We need answers before we go." He looked up at Hank, for the most part he'd been silent until now.

"She's in the South Wing. That's all I know, obviously other details aren't shared publicly. So you're going to have to go in and find out, then from there find a way out without raising an alarm."

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